Taranis binding


Binding the Taranis to the rx is it a must that I bind it in a "Fixed ID"? I was told that its inthe instructions on how to bind the rx in this manner but I have not found any. Any suggestions or is it just not necessary?


I see he has his bind in "Hold" why would he not use "No pulse" when using "PWM"?
It's using ppm. He probably just didn't setup failsafe yet. You do want it in "no pulse". You had mentioned earlier that it was also giving you a throttle failsafe error, all you should need to do is lower the value on the failsafe page in mission planner by about 20-30 below your throttles low point.


I tried that without any luck. Only after moving the end points around did the fail safe throttle value message leave. I think I sent you a pdf file of the way I had programmed my radio. I have been trying to make the flight modes in the Taranis match the flight modes in the mission planner. But I"m not having much luck. I did bind my rx to "No Pulse"


I've never had to adjust end points. I would love to find the time to do a step-by-step but just don't see it happening soon. No way I will get to it in the next week but can try after that. Have you tried using one of the .eepe files from that site I posted on the other thread?


Not as of yet. Been busy just try to get the pixhawk to arm so I could get to the other things that needed to be done. This is what I"m trying to get right in the mission planner to match my radio.
FM2 > Stabalized on L1 (Flight mode #!)?
FM3 > Altitude Hold on L2 (Flight mode #2)?
FM4 > Loiter on L3 (Flight mode #3)?
FM5 > Circle on L4 (Flight mode #4)?
FM6 > Drift on L5 (Flight mode #5)?
FM7 > Auto on L6 (Flight mode #6)?
Misson planner does not match my radio flight modes


I found a great video series that may be helpful. I don't know if he is all the way to flight modes yet though. Take a look:

Maybe get to this point where you can fly it and then worry about programming flight modes.

Be sure to check out his videos prior and later on the QAV500. He's basically giving a step-by-step with Pixhawk.

Old Man

Active Member
Mission Planner will not match your radio flight modes until you assign them in MP. ... There are recommendations that you set up the first three flight modes as stabilized, loiter, and RTH and branch out from there.

Are you actually reading and following the Wiki instructions or looking for people to walk you through each step of the process?

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I have been reading the instructions but not getting much sense out of them. Like it says "If you disable geofence it will be disabled" well duh. As I was saying above my radio does not exactly match MP nor does it match the HUD. Iwas trying to get all three to match or do I really need that. And if someone would take the time to guide my thru this on my first time I'd be very thankful. I"n not dumb just some things the way that it gets printed makes no sense.

Old Man

Active Member
I won't dispute that some of the instructions are written for an engineering level of comprehension. That's the weak point for 3d Robotics.

The modes can be assigned however you want them assigned. The issue is they have to be assigned, not simply be. You are going to have to become intimate with how your transmitter functions. It works well and is less expensive but it's still relatively new so fewer people are available for advice compared to other brands. Combine that with Pixhawk, another product not in wide use and the advice choices further diminish. But you already have learned all that.

Read the Tx manual a few times to become comfortable with channel assignment and end point adjustments. Then review how Pixhawk uses end points to establish ranges for functions to work within. Once you get a handle on those the flow if channel/switch assignment with corresponding end point adjustments will come together.

Take all you can get from posted how to videos. Often what you see is easier to digest than what you see.

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