So with some help from MRF, Google, AMP etc. have been able to program a Mix to allow Naza/NazaLite Failsafe on a 3 way switch (inc on a DiscoPro) Since I really don't know **** about channels or programming remotes I have no clue why it works only that it does.
Naturally if one is good, more must be better. Is there any way to spoof the Naza/Naza Lite using Mixes to get IOC and/or Adj Gains back as well?
Naza Birds are on Sbus, R6208SB and 8FGSuper
Naza Lite is on Sbus, Ezuhf and 8FGSuper (Dunno if the remote Tilt/Roll of the DiscoPro screws this possibility up even further. Would happily give up Roll to get Gains)
Naturally if one is good, more must be better. Is there any way to spoof the Naza/Naza Lite using Mixes to get IOC and/or Adj Gains back as well?
Naza Birds are on Sbus, R6208SB and 8FGSuper
Naza Lite is on Sbus, Ezuhf and 8FGSuper (Dunno if the remote Tilt/Roll of the DiscoPro screws this possibility up even further. Would happily give up Roll to get Gains)