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since this is a Hoverfly thread I'd ask we discuss Hoverfly here and SuperX in the XA subforum (Bad thread-drift Sleepy, bad!
he's new to forums folks, bear with us)
anyway, it was mentioned in another thread and it makes a lot of sense that if you have the GPS set up but the heli isn't trimmed out correctly, the GPS will be fighting the desire of the heli to drift when GPS is engaged. there's a procedure for trimming the heli in Auto-level mode and the point is that if this isn't done correctly, the GPS will appear to be the problem when it is in fact the GPS being overrun by drift. Mikrokopter has this same problem except it happens when the trims are not all centered. Hoverfly is exactly the opposite, you're supposed to use the trims and then record them into the PRO's memory by removing power with A/L selected and without disarming the motors (I think, check that if you're even still reading!)
straightening this out might improve your GPS performance by a lot. i also lift the GPS board a couple of inches above the PRO board with a kit i've made so that the magnetometers are away from the heli's wiring.
FYI, HF still flies great.
anyway, it was mentioned in another thread and it makes a lot of sense that if you have the GPS set up but the heli isn't trimmed out correctly, the GPS will be fighting the desire of the heli to drift when GPS is engaged. there's a procedure for trimming the heli in Auto-level mode and the point is that if this isn't done correctly, the GPS will appear to be the problem when it is in fact the GPS being overrun by drift. Mikrokopter has this same problem except it happens when the trims are not all centered. Hoverfly is exactly the opposite, you're supposed to use the trims and then record them into the PRO's memory by removing power with A/L selected and without disarming the motors (I think, check that if you're even still reading!)
straightening this out might improve your GPS performance by a lot. i also lift the GPS board a couple of inches above the PRO board with a kit i've made so that the magnetometers are away from the heli's wiring.
FYI, HF still flies great.