Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJibX4TiQR Landing Gear


Original Spectrum landing gear servo became faulty. This servo A7000 is discontinued. So replaced it with a spectrum A7040. However the legs will not raise to the same height any longer ! Ok simple solution use the servo endpoints to increase servo rotation. Not that simple because I am using the A2 flight controller as a receiver and no matter what I do to program a change in servo end points in the transmitter. The signal to the Intelligent landing gear in the A2 just sends the servo to the same position no matter what I do with the input signal. I have spent days trying to work a solution and almost lost the will to live o_O
To me this feels like its the A2 controller gear servo setting is fixed by DJI for DJI Aircraft and its not compatible with Aeronavics Aircraft.
Any ideas from anyone ?


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
There is a control board on the landing gear itself and it is this that sends the gear all the way up. If you remove this you can then set end points normally I believe.


I have already bypassed the Aeronavics landing gear control board because I could not find out what it actually did. End points still will not function. Do you think the control board is a servo pulse spreader. To stretch the servo pulse to make the servo move more or less for fine adjustments. It does have a potentiometer that can be adjusted but the manufacturers say Don't Touch It.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
It is something like that I think. The other option is to use a different channel on the A2 ie not the gear. Yes you wont get the automatic gear as a result but by putting in a failsafe you will still have the gear deploying in an unplanned return to home.


Still no luck with making the servo rotate any further. This spectrum servo is anyalog so unable to make any changes to the actual servo. So I have purchased a digital servo and servo programmer which should arrive next week. This should let me set up the servo end points to a set command from the A2 controller to give me the amount of servo rotation I need that will raise the legs higher. I will report back on my progress as this may help others in the future.

Hi there,
I`ve done some testing with successful results.
The green board is a potentiometer.
I tried changing the parameters from the Tx and Dji FC but this did no difference, I could make the span shorter but not longer.
The trick that worked for me is:
1-Put the chopper with LG facing up for easy acces.
2-Free the horn that attaches the LG to the Servo
3-Conect chopper and set your tx to LG up, the servo will spin freely to a point, when it reaches that point turn off the choper
4-Set Lg to his max extent when up and tighten the horn to attach LG to Servo.
5-Conect Servo and cicle several times the LG up and down full extent in both ways.
6-You can gain some extra with the white screw on green board.
7-Good luck


Much appreciated. I think I reached the same result after finding out the small circuit board with the potentiometer is a servo throw adjuster which works with spectrum analogue servos. I just found it impossible for anyone - even Aeronavics to explain what the circuit board with the potentiometer was for. So now its all sorted. I think if I had been using a normal receiver instead of the A2 controllers as a received. I would have been able to alters the servo end points from the transmitter which would have been simple to do.
Kind regards - Adrian.
