Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJib X4 Crashes Testing Failsafe


Hello again, nearly got my skyjib back ready to fly again. Final issue I have is the ESC looks to be intermittently causing motor issues in testing as I purchased a new motor and the same thing happened. Easy fix I hope would be to buy mew ECU hobbyking blue series 40amp and flash with simonK. Can anyone think of any other alternatives....
Rentakill and I ended up in exactly the same situation where we had purchased ESCs from a vendor in Sydney who flashed them with SimonK firmware for us. But when we went back to get a replacement ESC the vendor claimed he couldn't keep track of all the firmware updates and no longer offered the ESCs. In my case, out of frustration, I rebuilt my Aeronavics XM-6 and replaced all the ESCs because I couldn't replace the one ESC that was giving me issues. I was about to do my CASA test with it and I wanted to make sure it was rock solid.

Anyway, Rentakill is in the same boat now but with a bigger Aeronavics octocopter. He needs to replace one ESC but doesn't know what version SimonK is flashed on his current ESCs. So like me, he's looking at replacing them all which would mean a total rebuild of the copter.

So, my question is - Would there be any issues using all the same ESCs but 7 of them running SimonK software and 1 of them running the stock firmware? Would certainly save him a lot of trouble/expense/time.


I agree with aviators above. When you turned off your TX your receiver's own built in Fail Safe activated and prevented the Wookong flight controller from operating. Resulting in a crash.


Reply back from rise above custom drones
Rise Above Custom Drone Solutions Hi Stephen we stopped using the blue series with simonk firmware a while back as we were experiencing some issues with the esc once the firmware had been loaded. This was not present on any previous esc we had flashed or sold, this only occurred with esc produced after a certain date.
So if you purchase a blueseries and load the same firmware, you may experience the same problem (motor stalling).
The firmware we used at that time i believe was dated 15 May 2013.....
If i get the firmware may 2013 then flash new esc, in theory that should work hopping all other esc have mAY 2013.

If it fails then I will replace all the ESC's and heading down to see Dazzab :)


Would best practice for Power distribution boards be to replace with a new one if I was to swap over my ESC's. Or could one use the current solder joints to replace.


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Quick question if anyone can help, replacing ESC's with same hobbyking 40a blueSeries or Hobbyking Blueseries 40A speed controller flashed with Simonk firmware. Price difference $7 each.
Will I see any benefits using simonk ?????


Quick question if anyone can help, replacing ESC's with same hobbyking 40a blueSeries or Hobbyking Blueseries 40A speed controller flashed with Simonk firmware. Price difference $7 each.
Will I see any benefits using simonk ?????
I started googling on this but most of the info is old or just opinions. This info looked reasonable though. Personally I can't see any advantage to SimonK over stock firmware on large octos like ours. Why don't you see what the team at Aeronavics have to say? They obviously see and test a lot of various equipment.


Good one dazzab, will check out with the crew at aeronavics and see what they suggest. That info you linked was a good read.



The KDE motors at about 4 times the cost of a less prestigious motor (in name at least) looks like a better buy than the ESCs. At those prices I hope they use 24k gold instead of copper in their ESC PCBs. They better be crash proof at that price. KDE is supposedly made in America (but I don't know for sure) T motors are still made in China. Me being the poor retired and living on a fixed income person I am can only marvel at the affluent in this hobby (turning into something else) who can actually afford $87.00 ESCs. I've been flying a 4 in one Q Brain and 4 Turnigy Multistars for two years now with narry a hick-up. I think the Q Brain cost me $36.00 and all four motors cost me $60.00. So much for the cheap doesn't last theory.
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Reply from Rise Above "Hi Stephen if using the 4014 motors we now recommend the nfs 45a esc in our site. This comes preflashed with simonk firmware and works great with these motors.
Put it this way....we would never use non simonk flashed esc with these motors again wink emoticon"


Reply from Rise Above "Hi Stephen if using the 4014 motors we now recommend the nfs 45a esc in our site. This comes preflashed with simonk firmware and works great with these motors.
Put it this way....we would never use non simonk flashed esc with these motors again wink emoticon"
Isn't that exactly what he said when we both purchased SimonK flashed ESCs from him a year ago that he now says he no longer uses because there were issues? Sorry, but I wouldn't purchase from anything from them again. Unless, of course he wants to guarantee that a year from now they won't change their minds. :)
