Aeronavics / Droidworx SkyJIB T-X4 Tips

Hi !
I´ve been flying MK s for 4 years and just recently bought a skyjib T X4 and would love to get some tips from experienced users, here s the set:
-A2 controller
-T-motor 40A ESC
-T-motor 4014 330kv
-T-motor 15x5 CF props
-Av 200 with radians
My cuestions are:
1: What s my realistic AUW for 12-15 min flights?
2:What batteries would do a good job? 6s 10A , 6s12A, 6s 16A?
3:Anybody flying this set with a Movi5 + BMPC 4k?
Many thanks!


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Go for 16x5.4 Tmotor props - I tried 15" on similar setup but they were not really enough for it. 6s 16A will give you about 16min flight time. I would definitely recommend the Movi over the AV200 - I lot less time messing around with your gimbal - the Movi produces great results straight out the box. Good luck


I got mine from photocineshop in France - think it was 3800 euros including tax last May. Pick up a toad in the hole as well, makes your life a lot easier - balancing on handlebars then clipping onto copter

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Personally i wouldn't bother with the toad, certainly makes life easier but I found the flying footage I get when I've taken the toad off is much better.

Just went out for a test flight and came back with a bit of mix feelings..:
1-with default parameters it was sluggish, gained up basic to 175 and better ,but still sluggish and unprecise yaw..hope I can get it as good as the MK X8 wich was crazzy solid compared to this one.
2- The throttle parameter has a big delay, it takes 5 segonds or more for it to responde, I would like to sincronize it with the sticks.I broke the tip of a prop when landing because of this.(no payload and batteries on crash cage)
3-It seams to lack power, it climbs very slowly at full throttle, I gues I will need to create a custom mixer, any tips on that? Do you know if DJI default X8 has diferent power settings for upper and lower motors?

Sounds under propped for sure. Also, give the Gremsey h6 a look for gimbal. Av200 can be great for stills but unless your willing to spend more time with it than your wife its a lost cause.

Do you think it`s underproped even without any payload attached?
Yee, that came with the chopper but definettly looking in for a M5!
That Gremseyh6 is looking good, nivce price, do you think it will perform as good as M5?

My experience says yes... My 15's/500kv's will react to throttle changes quicker than your combo can with the same FC. I have the h14 Gremsy and absolutely love it.

I can t find many reviews on the H6, a facebook page with troubled users..where can I find some proper review and discutt¡ion about it?How does it compare to Movi?I´m using an Alexmos 32 bit at the moment and the reason to upgrade is that I´m over wasting time tunning and retuning.How does it behave in that way?
Many Thanks
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There is only one troubled user that I know of on that FB page and the customer service that you get from Gremsey is unbelievable. Under 5 minute response time to questions at literally any time of day. I don't sell them... But I do fly mine quite a bit and have not had one single problem. Once you get the AC to leave the camera alone your ready to work in under 10 minutes and usually much less if you've had the same cam on it already.

Sounds good, just spoke to the dealer in Spain and he said they should be here by the en of April!
I have one question regarding the motor prop combo..
My aim is to lift a Movi5 / Gremsy H6 with a BMPC, maybe a REd with the Av200, would it be beter to go for some U5 or some 500kv motors like Kw10 V2 or just go up an inch on the props??I was quite surprised at the lack of power with nmo payload thats why I´m a bit concerned..

I believe 16-18" props would help tremendously. Let me also say that I am by NO means an expert here and don't have a coax rig. But I do spend a ton of time here reading what works for others. There are a few guys that if would be worth sending a PM to and asking for some advice as well. Kloner probably gets more time than most flying Reds as well as IrisAerials. There are several others who I can't remember at the moment and I mean no slight by not listing them all here. ECalc is a valuable tool before making a final decision also. At the end of the day... the large prop/low kv VS. less prop/higher kv discussion is still ongoing and yes... we seem to be the test bed for real world usage.


For my DSLR setup I fly a Movi M5 with GH4. Using Skyjib I would say U5's with 16 props is the minimum setup you would want. I've got a bigger rig in the making for epic's /alexa mini. Best way of checking ur setup is to switch it to manual mode and see at what throttle setting it hovers at. I can't remember the exact figure but with 15 props and 16A lipos I was up around 80% throttle which is over what the DJI A2 recommended amount is. Although it would fly stable enough I was having trouble yawing in windy conditions under full throttle. With 16 props and 16A lipos I think this dropped to about 67% throttle, if I feel I need a little more performance I'll bang some 10A lipos on it and still get around 11 mins flight time



Well dolar to eur prices are changed since the dolar to eur ratio has changed. So movi m5 was about 30% cheaper last year than it is today do to ration. Check the screenshot I did with conversion graph.


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