Aeronavics / Droidworx skyjib 8 build help needed


New Member
hi this is my first post on this forum . i am very new to multicopters

just started a build of a droidworx skyjib v1 with retracts and 360 CS gimble and wanting to know where you guys put all the electrics . just want a few ideas / photos showing esc positions rx wkm just fishing for hints that's all or tips to make a neat build . and help would be appreciated



New Member
cheers ross
but i did try that but he has 3000 posts lol . will look harder i did a search on sjlx4 too and didnt return much either . maybe the post wasnt named sjlx4 .. new here navigation is a little new to me .


New Member
Can anyone tell me the motor cable length required for the Skyjib 8? I've sourced a motor I want but it only has 58 cm cables. Is this enough? Thanks.


I actually fit all the ESCs in the landing gear. They are not visible at all. If one fails it will take me a few hours to change out but that's okay with me. All the Wookong electronics and receiver are the only things on the top side and they easily fit under the plastic bowl. I don't have pictures now because I'm on vacation but I'll try to post some when I get back.
