SJ-800. Yes or No?


Heli's & Tele's bloke
I currently have a whole DJI system on order - SJ-800, WKM & Z-15. The Z-15 is holding the whole thing up coz it ain't in stock and that gives me a little time to consider the rest of the order.

The SJ-800 Shangri'la Wings is only on the shopping list as an airframe to carry the bit I really want i.e. the Z-15 (with the obligatory WKM).

Of course the easy-dismantle-and-pack-in-a-small-case aspect is enticing, as is the promise of system wide compatibility, but what is the SJ-800 v2 airframe really like. Version 2 has apparently addressed the ESC issues of the original and the self-contained boom/ESC/motor module is appealing for its general absence of wires and neatness. But do those clip on booms present a reliability issue and do they affect overall rigidity?

I already have one definitive assessment from a respected forum member but I would like a few more from those who have had practical hands-on experience - preferably from those who DON'T have a vested interest.

Objective and subjective opinions all welcome.


Active Member
I don't think you will regret that purchase. Guess you will use the GH. It will work great straight out of the box. Rigidity- no matter how hard you try you wont be able to disturb the camera.:tennis:
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You know I am not a pro :D, but from my side the S800 gets a NO (the Z15 is great, to me also the WKM is great). There has never been a ESC issue, it was (up to the last infos) an issue of "old" WKMs (in combo with too long signal lines to the ESCs). The ESCs (and Motors) have no cooling, the ESCs are even perfectly isolated, this will have consequences sooner or later if you fly with temperatures over 70° on Motor (and or Esc). Of course this will get a bit out of focus until next summer (but who knows what is out next Summer) since it is getting colder on the northern hemisphere. The arms are much too soft, and if you fly fast forward you almost get a heart-attack when you listen to the sound of the motors and even see the vibrating arms (this will also have consequences sooner or later). If I would not have seen other copters of similar size flying before (and after) I could have accepted this as normal, but this can be done much better.

If you need something you can put into a box (for transport), then there is nothing comparable, but you pay for this in terms of weight.

best regards


I like mine, DJI support has room for improvement but It seems that's true for many of the manufacturers in the hobby? I think the bugs are worked out, knock on wood, and being able to transport as carry on luggage is nice.
