Show us what you shot.


I am so happy you did not take offence, because none was intended. The "ugly power lines etc" can sometimes be masked with some judicious use of the clone tool :)shame:)!

Thats a great idea because there is a cool bridge off to the left i had to crop out. I'm going to try and juice it up some and repost. Thanks!




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Heli's & Tele's bloke

Spent a little more time on it tonight and pretty happy with the results, thanks for the tips! One with TS and one without: ...

View attachment 5137

View attachment 5138
View attachment 5139

The wider view, adjusted composition and different aspect ratio has changed the entire feel of the image. The whole thing now feels more comfortable and spacious. The more restrained use of the Tiltshift filter, with a wider bokeh, also makes a little more sense.

It is a very nice picture.


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Active Member
Totally agree with Mombasa on the so-called "tilt shift effect" - old, tired, distracting, clichéd - especially when it's done in Photoshop after the event. Hopefully it will die out, along with "grunge HDR". :) Btw - just 'cos I'm a pedant on these things - it's not a "tilt shift" effect since it has nothing to do with "shift". It's a "tilt" effect. ;)

Agree, too, on the necessity of light/timing/composition/perspective/etc. - just as with any other photograph, whether it's taken above ground, on the ground or even below ground. It takes more than simply an elevated viewpoint to make a worthwhile aerial image. In that sense you have to be (or make yourself into) "a photographer" first and foremost. Then your MR is just a very tall tripod, albeit a slightly wobbly one ;)


Heli's & Tele's bloke
1 Malaysia for Youth 2012 at KLCC...............enjoy it!

Imagine that sort of gathering ever being covered (legally) by MR helicams anywhere in Western Europe. Particularly England. The East and the Third World are always more progressive with new tech and new ideas and don't get hampered by the smothering restrictions of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

EDIT: all potentially upsetting insinuations to pansy liberals and Health & Safety zealots removed.
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Active Member
Nice video - would be a killer if it was edited together with some ground-based footage. Perhaps a bit marginal on the safety ;-) I'm sure you did a full Risk Assessment (H&S joke :D)

Was that a Zenmuse? There seemed to be a few horizon issues going on.
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Active Member
Nice video - would bea killer if it was edited together with some ground-based footage. Perhaps a bit marginal on the safety ;-) I'm sure you did a full Risk Assessment (H&S joke :D)

Was that a Zenmuse? There seemed to be a few horizon issues going on.

Zen does not have horizon issues, only operator ones :tennis: well, something in life has to be perfect. What is not appreciated here is just how far away from the opposition the Zenmuse is. It goes without saying that to use it the way it was intended to be used requires some advanced training and understanding of the limitations of the current prosumer camera range. Jeremy I know you would love to see OP in this league one day. That will never happen. ditto HF and PH. we are talking light years away.
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Draganflyer X4
I visited Lee Valley White Water Centre today. It's the location for the Olympic canoeing events etc. It took a few hours to get past armed security, xray scanners, site induction, get all our kit to the compound... then a few minutes to get this...

We did a few panoramas as well, but just not done any stitching yet.



Draganflyer X4
Well caught Gunter. Do you shoot crop circles by any chance ;)



I haven't done, but can do. I looked at the various crop circle websites a couple of weeks ago, but noticed that someone was already doing them in Wiltshire, so haven't bothered!



Active Member

I haven't done, but can do. I looked at the various crop circle websites a couple of weeks ago, but noticed that someone was already doing them in Wiltshire, so haven't bothered!


Strange!!! The guy that shoots the crop circles is also called Gunther...thought it might have been a typo on thier behalf ;)



Active Member
That is a distinct possibility. But more likely a PPL with a R 22 Robo. and some ropes etc.
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