Thanks for the info. I've been looking at the same MA battery, but based on cost and old and new posts regarding quality and customer service issues, i'll probably look elsewhere.
As for calculating % energy consumption, it's like to old days and calculating mileage in a car. Fill the tank. Drive until near empty. Then look at how much gas you have to put back in to fill the tank. Divide that into the miles you drove for MPG.
For your 10,900 mAh battery, charge fully, fly, record flight time, then note the mAh total you have to put back into your battery to fully recharge it. Your charger should be able to show you that as a basic bit of information. A rough guide is to shoot for flight durations that don't use much more than about 80% of your battery capacity and shoot for landing with cell voltages of 3.7v (6 x 3.7 v = 22.2 v for the whole battery). Since voltage will be lower during flight, this corresponds to a slightly lower voltage than you're using now. Assuming your battery is in good condition and is capable of delivering 10,900 mAh, you might choose a flight duration that results in about 8,800 mAh to fully recharge your battery. You can use this info to estimate the mAh consumption per minute.
Note that to get energy, technically you have to multiply current by voltage, but voltage varies from 4.2 to approx 3.7 per cell, and the rate of decline in non-linear. So it's easier to just think in terms of total current...