Phantom as practice setup for s800 EVO or similar setup
After reading your initial post & follow-up, that was going to be my suggestion. I think the Phantom is a good choice (though there are other options from DJI and elsewhere). The Phantom offers the shortest path to learning basic piloting skills, with the (highly recommended) option to mount the H32D gimbal and GoPro H3(+) to get aerial photo/video experience. And if you take a look at videos shot using the Phantom + Zen H3-2D, I think you'll agree that the quality can be *very* good.
You'll want to spend a little time thinking about Phantom 1 vs. Phantom 2 (non-vision). The advantages of Phantom 1 are lower price and more flexible battery options. These play off against poorer integration of add-on options (not "plug 'n play") and shorter flight times (~50%). The advantages of Phantom 2 are >2x greater battery capacity (3s 5200 mAh for P2 vs. 3s 2200 mAh for P1), much better integration for adding the Zenmuse H3-2D with GoPro, on-screen flight telemetry (iOSDmini or iOSD Mk II) with video downlink of feed from gimbal-mounted GoPro H3(+). With the newly released DJI FPV Hub, cabling for P2 really is pretty much "plug 'n play", whether you choose Gimbal+GoPro only, or choose to add-on wireless video downlink with or without onscreen telemetry.
FWIW, I have both P1 and P2 and I'd recommend the P2. The primary downside is battery cost (P2 battery tech is proprietary DJI, at least for now). However with 2 extra batteries (~$160 ea), you'll have a total of 3 flight batteries with 45 to 60 min or more total flight time, depending on add-ons and flight characteristics. A fully configured P2 is in some respects like a mini s800 EVO, in that you have similar capabilities and similar challenges. Plus getting a 'practice' P2 setup online will expose you to most of the basic technical and practical issues you'll face with a larger hex or octo MR. And with a fully configured P2, you'll have ~$1600 in the air vs. ~$6,500 to $7,500 for the s800 EVO fully loaded.
I also have a partially assembled s800 EVO with A2 and GH3 Z15. These latter items await better weather in the Northeast US for final assembly and flight testing. I went with the A2 in 4Q2013 because I figured I would not be flying until Spring of 2014 and that by then, most of the 'issues' with both the A2 and GH3 Z15 would be settled. Given this, I decided to go with 'future tech' vs. 'past tech', banking on the thought that the theoretical enhancements/advantages of the A2 would be realized (at least to some degree) over time. This appears to be largely the case already with the firmware revisions for the A2 flight controller and receiver and both firmware and hardware revisions for the GH3 Z15.
In addition to considering the Skyjib octo, you might also want to review what's known about the upcoming DJI s1000 octo. It does offer relatively compact folding for transport (not as small as the s800 EVO, of course), with the added stability/reliability of on octo with tubular carbon fiber arms. But it's also new tech, not quite yet released--let alone proven in the field.
Consider getting a high-end transmitter now, for use with both the Phantom and the s800 (or whichever larger MR you decide upon). Folks new to this tech often want to economize on the transmitter, but remember the transmitter will be with you for several to many years, it's really more of a long-term investment. Based on this logic, I went with the Futaba t14SGH, though there are other good options from Futaba and other manufacturers. At the time, I didn't "need" 14-channels, however once the s800 with Z15 came into the picture, I was glad to have as many channels as possible.
Finally, get yourself a good R/C flight simulator to run on your Mac or PC. It allows you to develop and hone basic flight skills any time in any weather. Plus it's a lot less expensive to get most of your crashing done on-screen rather than at the field or on the job.
PS: Documentation (albeit usually poorly written) is your friend, read it early and often!
I appreciate your advice guys! Let me ask you one other thing... <snip> ...Either way, I am going to the get phantom to practice on. Thanks!