Settings for basic two servo gimbal with V2 firmware.


Mr take no prisoners!
Anyone that is running a Naza-M V1 with V2 firmware like to share what settings you have used to get your gimbal running smoothly, any thoughts would be appreciated?

Mine is a X468 gimbal with micro servo's, it is not bad but it is not as good as it could be.

I will most likely trade it in on a brushless setup once I have the cash and once some of the cheaper versions get sorted but in the mean time I want this to work as well as it can.



I'm in exactly the same boat. Got Naza V1 and just loaded V2 firmware, and I also have the X468 gimbal. I haven't flown it yet with the gimbal, but will need any settings you come up with, or I'll let you know what I come up with if I end up doing it first (which I doubt due to my schedule the next week).


Mr take no prisoners!
I had five batteries through with it yesterday but did not have a chance to do any gimbal tuning, I have had a little play this morning on my mini gimbal on my 330 and that seems to be better than I have set up on my 450, I dropped the gains down to from 30 to 20 and that stopped a bit of over driving that I was getting on that one.

Going to be a bit of trial and error to make sure that I am not getting the servos driving past the centre point as the craft tilts and rolls.

Some of the video from yesterday here.


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