I would like to share my sad (and unfinished yet) experience with the above mentioned seller. Sorry for the long text, just want to sort everything in details.
13.03.2015 I made an 1000+ euro order from this shop (parts for T810: MN-4010 370 kv T-motors, ESC's, props and Futaba T8J + R2008SB combo). Prices were really good and there are not so many distributors of T-motors in Europe.
17.03.2015 I received the package. Due to some technical difficulties I could test it only a week later. Upon ESC calibration, 4 motors behaved nicely, but 2 didn't. One didn't start, perfromed some jiggly movements, than huge spark occurred inside of it and it started to rotate producing quite a lot of heat. Second motor just provided a bit strange rough sound. Soon after, receiver lost connection with transmitter. Since I didn't have any spare one, I couldn't say which of them failed.
So, 400 euro worth stuff out of 1000 didn't work almost right from the box. That was the first disturbing moment.
26.03.2015, Thursday morning. I wrote an e-mail to the seller asking, what are the options. IMO, 24h email reply time is absolutely must do in business. But seller didn't answer.
27.03.2015 Friday afternoon, more than 24 hr after email. I called to Germany and asked what should I do. They answered quite obvious thing: "Send items to us". Was it so difficult to write one line in email?! This was the second (of many more) disturbing moments.
28.03.2015, Saturday. I dispatched Tx+Rx and two motors by post.
11.04.2015, Saturday. According to the online tracking, package was delivered. It took two weeks due to rather long Easter Holidays in Europe. If the seller would answer my email immediately, I would ship the package on Thursday and it could be there one week earlier.
15.04.2015, Wednesday. My order appeared in the list of my orders on the seller's website. Probably, it was taken to processing.
23.04.2015, Thursday morning, end of the 2nd working week after they received returns. I wrote an email and asked about the progress. Very soon I got the answer (quoting their German English): "from your transmitter only the receiver is defective. We have this submitted to the supplier and wait for the exchange. Please have a little patience." At this moment I became a bit annoyed. If seller doesn't have spare receiver in stock and buys it from supplier (I guess, from China), he should inform me about that immediately, because it is a huge delay in processing of my order. IMO, seller should request in such situation if I want to wait or if I prefer the refund. Moreover, he had at that moment the same Tx+Rx pair in stock, he could send the new one to me and figure out on his own with the failed one.
23.04.2015, Thursday noon. I responded with a polite email, saying that two weeks waiting time is a way too much and I would like to get shipped all available items immediately and get refund for unavailable ones.
24.04.2015, Friday noon, 24h after my email. No answer! I got really angry and wrote one more email, requesting one of the following options
a) Send what is available and refund what is not by Monday latest
b) Refund me price of motors and Tx-Rx pair (400 euro)
c) Continue ignoring my emails, and getting into dispute on Paypal
24.04.2015, Friday afternoon, 3 hr after my email. Received notification that my order is shipped (2 motors and Tx; receiver is refunded). Well, if person starts to do what he should do only after threats with paypal dispute, it is a bad seller.
Upon examining the list of goods (in German) I realized that both motors are marked with "kein Fehler festellbar !!!" which means "No malfunction". I wrote another angry email and asked if it means that the sellers returned the same motors to me. In case of not answering me by monday morning, I again promised to start paypal dispute. Seller answered in one hour, saying (in German) that he didn't find any malfunction in motors! Sure, I have had hallucination about sparks and burning smell.
Now I'm completely fed up with this seller. I've filled Paypal dispute form and requested 140 euro back for two motors. I will receive them probably next week, but 45 days from initial payment day are expiring very soon, so I filled the complain form in advance. And I'll need to send motors back again. I don't have anything against paying the return, but doing it twice..
And I'm really p****d off because of over a month delay in my building project.
Hope, this story will help to somebody not to mess with this seller. And another complaint about him from 2006: