Hi Larry. Don't get me wrong, I have a Zenmuse Z15 for my Sony on my S800, and a Zenmuse H3-2D for my GoPro on my F450. I love them both. My comments were not related to being recommended or not, because I do recommend them. But my experience in gimbals are limited to those two and the X468.
One of the first questions you'll need to answer is whether or not you'll be wanting to do higher-end video with it or not. Basically, the new wave of gimbals is for "brushless gimbal" which are extremely smooth and fast. The DJI Zenmuse fall in this category. But brushless are more expensive then the alternative. If you are only doing photography, then brushless isn't really necessary. For recreational video, you don't need brushless either, which is what the X468 that I had was mounted on my F450 previously.
But here's some other ideas for brushless. I don't own any of them, so I can't recommend them, but maybe there are others on the forum that have experience with these or others that they can recommend:
http://www.rc-drones.com/X468-XTBG.php (this one is more of a DIY)
I hope this gives you some ideas. I totally understand your "trying to get is somewhat useful", and adding a camera, even a GoPro, does start to add value and fun to your flying.