5C is the charge rate..... they are likely 40C discharge rate as indicated in posting #11. You can run eCalc for Multicopters for a wide range of battery scenarios to gain perspective as to finding the sweet spot for optimum flight time with the intended payload....... with exponential counterforces such as gravity and temperature working against us, the laws of diminishing returns kicks in very another $100 for one more battery and only gain 30 seconds more flight time!!!!!
Sometimes its just better to settle on 2 separate flights, each @ 7 minutes with half battery capacity than to try to get past 10 minutes with all batteries on board.....
Personally, I am holding out for a tokamak cold fusion electrical generator as an ultra light, nearly infinite source of electrical energy for MRs!!! :shame:
Sometimes its just better to settle on 2 separate flights, each @ 7 minutes with half battery capacity than to try to get past 10 minutes with all batteries on board.....
Personally, I am holding out for a tokamak cold fusion electrical generator as an ultra light, nearly infinite source of electrical energy for MRs!!! :shame:
I am beginning to think the Max Amps may be a big problem with my machine, I would have never gotten into them if I had known there constant C rating, they wre extremely expensive batteries, not sure what I can do about it now.