S800 flip of death

CJ Stone

S800 flip of death ?
I was sold the s800 for a good price and feel like ive bought a lemon as i hear all sorts of stories of it doing the FOD.

Now i've read almost everything but still can't make out f it's actually safe to fly the s800.

I've heard:

That a certain version firmware should be avoided, but no answer as to what firmware is good to use, does anyone know what firmware i should use to avoid the FOD.

Then something about the compass, my compass is the V2, i've heard one needs to use the compass with theblack marjing on the side, is that orrect ? do i have to bin the v2 compass?

Then I've heard something about the motor/esc soldering prone to coming loose on an s800.

I've heard th arms flex too much, will reinforing it with carbon arrows help

Is there anything else i need to be concerned about on the s800

Petr Hejl

Staff Member
S800 flip of death ?
I was sold the s800 for a good price and feel like ive bought a lemon as i hear all sorts of stories of it doing the FOD.

Now i've read almost everything but still can't make out f it's actually safe to fly the s800.

I've heard:

That a certain version firmware should be avoided, but no answer as to what firmware is good to use, does anyone know what firmware i should use to avoid the FOD.

Then something about the compass, my compass is the V2, i've heard one needs to use the compass with theblack marjing on the side, is that orrect ? do i have to bin the v2 compass?

Then I've heard something about the motor/esc soldering prone to coming loose on an s800.

I've heard th arms flex too much, will reinforing it with carbon arrows help

Is there anything else i need to be concerned about on the s800
What Flight Controller are you using?


Another thing to keep in mind, larger props on lower KV motors are unstable if it takes 30% or less throttle to take off. Drone's should be designed to hover at 50% throttle.

People often over propped trying to get longer flight times. I've seen so many S800's flying a GoPro and gimbal. Most of the flips happened on taking off from unlevel surface or on landing. When the AUW is enough to hover at 50% the FOD is less likely to occur.


WKM & A2 are being flown on thousands of aircraft without issue. I have had several myself and still fly them.
If you are experiencing a Roll over at power up, then something is set-up incorrectly.
When setting up a WKM or A2, there are many things that need to be done by the user to make it correctly set-up & integrated with the aircraft. There are many settings in assistant... Aircraft type, IMU & Compass offsets, IMU direction, TX stick direction & calibrations.....etc. that can lead to the type of behavior that you describe as the FOD.
Additionally, there are many "mechanical" items that also need to be properly configured to make WKM, or any multirotor fly correctly... Motors spinning the correct direction, CW/CCW prop on correct rotation motors, failure to perform a compass calibration.... etc....
If you lack experience in how to correctly set-up any flight Controller... WKM, A2, Naza , Pixhawk... disaster can be the outcome.
I suggest you enlist the help of someone to help you correctly set-up the FC and/ or read the manual & seek out assistance to get it set-up correctly.
If the WKM is second hand and everything is set-up correctly, it is possible that the unit has been damaged.....


R/C Expert
Staff member
I bet you have the wrong motor plugged into the wrong motor channel, check motor direction though the software.

Petr Hejl

Staff Member
its a wookong M with the white v2 compass and th grey IMU
TO my understanding, the FOD issue was more related to the vibration in the frame affecting the IMU to the point it made the aircraft flip upside down and self-destruct. This seemed to have been result of excessive vibration in the S-800 frame (supposedly addressed by the time they got to EVO) effecting the first version of IMU (grey plastic, the aluminum version was supposed to address this issue). I've seen people doing all kinds of reinforcements to the S-800 frame to mitigate the vibration. The WKM (especially with the V2 IMU) is a pretty solid flight controller.
