I didn't realize the 1000 was plastic. Unless I read your post wrong (its happened before). Being an aviator, I completely understand how harmonics can play a role in messing with anything (usually in the worst way). I'm only implying that many have pointed out how the 800 seems to be nearly properly "tuned" for self-destruction. Yes, the Tarot is the same material, but any single one thing can change the harmonics of flight, thus not becoming amplified into an issue.
Will the 1000 have the same issues? I don't know. It looks beautiful, but with the 800's issues and the undescribed manufacturing issue. There are better options or MY money.
I wanted to go with the T15, but recently got the idea of going with a X4 (Octo-quad). Much smaller and easier to transport. Less weight as well. I'm not sure what I'll do in the future, I've already got more MRs than I can fly at one time! That being said, I went and purchased a NEX7 that I'm unwilling to put under anything less than a X4/Octo and will probably pull my GoPro from my 550, sell it and put it (GoPro) on a TBS Disco. Nothing really wrong with the 550 (Other than weight) but it is just too large.