RTH testing (do I dare)

Hi guys

I have set up my xair X650v4 with naza + gps.
Setup is
Futaba T10 with r6014hs rx.

The flight modes are on a 3 pos switch. GPS - ATTI - FAILSAFE

The dot is in return to home and land in the DJI assistant.

I did not set up any failsafe on the tx rx yet, do i have to?

The question is now.. How will my quad react when I flip the switch to failsafe??


Drone Enthusiast
that is THE question isn't it? I never had the balls. But I was thrilled when China lost to the US in volleyball. :)

Lol, u had best set up the rx failsafe aswell. This can be the harder part of it, ive tested mine on a switch as i didnt like the downtime of reactivating my transmitter especially if it went haywire.... Dont know what happened but first time i tested it, it went into fff the wrong direction, landed checked everything again. Recalibrated compass and flew, flipped the switch and up she went hovered moved descended and landed. Havent touched it since. Just be ready to flip it to atti.... PS mine was wkm but same idea


I know what you mean, had mine for two months have had the dangelers to try it yet, BUT once tested I know i will have a lot ore confidence in flying her..


As long as when you flip switches the LED is showing the right functions I say go for it!
I did & it was pretty neat

Just make sure before you go into idle and leave the ground you have a GPS lock for home.


Hi Chris

Although I have the wookong M I have the very same setup on my 3 pos sw. Ie Gps - Alti - Failsafe. (I've no fancy for manual acrobatics and the like so this setup suits me) I tried mine on its very 1st flight and it worked a treat and was amazingly acurate. I tested it several times with no problems before I had a rx that let me set the power off failsafe too! So have confidence it will work but still gets the brown starfish twitching lol

Since then I have upgraded to a Spektrum AR8000 tx on my Futaba 9C with spektrum module and set up the power off failsafe following Pitchbitch setup instructions on youtube, just type "pitchbitch tv naza" in google.

Now I am really cooking on gas and have total faith should a radio problem develop that's beyond my control :)

Happy flying

Thanks for all you're replies.
I checked when I put the switch on the tx into failsafe, that the VU led blinks fast orange. That test was done othe workbench.

Well, I was on the field and suddenly my finger could not move the switch in failsafe. Must have chickened out. :)

The quad was about 100 meters away over a cornfield, and the plan was it could ditch into the corn. IF I had the bells to flip the switch.

I'll do it next time guys... I promise, and I'll try to get my brother to film it.

So I tried the IOC instead.... WOW that's a clever setup.... Just took some time to figure out the 10 meter radius where it's only in course lock. I did some bad words about the function before I remembered the radius.

I must say I'm really impressed by this naza + GPS setup.. My brother has never flown rc planes before. But after a couple of lessons from yours truly he is flying on his own.. And putting black marks on the walls in his livingroom all by him self, with his walkera ladybird ;-)


Thanks for all you're replies.
I checked when I put the switch on the tx into failsafe, that the VU led blinks fast orange. That test was done othe workbench.

Well, I was on the field and suddenly my finger could not move the switch in failsafe. Must have chickened out. :)

The quad was about 100 meters away over a cornfield, and the plan was it could ditch into the corn. IF I had the bells to flip the switch.

I'll do it next time guys... I promise, and I'll try to get my brother to film it.

So I tried the IOC instead.... WOW that a clever setup.... Just took some time to figure out the 10 meter radius where it's only in course lock. I did some bad words about the function before I remembered the radius.

I must say I'm really impressed by this naza + GPS setup.. My brother has never flown rc planes before. But after a couple of lessons from yours truly he is flying on his own.. And putting black marks on the walls in his livingroom all by him self, with his walkera ladybird ;-)


i love rth. i setup mixing with the elev d/r next to the flight mode 3 pos switch. so i have failsafe in all 3 modes. i put a strobe light on my quad. i fly over the group of rv's when we camp in the desert. then i hit the rth switch. good times


Here is a video of my brothers Gaui 500 with Wookong. He activates RTH a couple times. After lift off, he flys away a good distance and then back over head as he almost wacks the ground with it on the way. When its again pretty far out after flying over us he hits RTH and you can see that it goes up to about 60 feet or so, and heads back to you. It will then hover over you a bit waiting to see if you want to do something else and if not, it slowly lowers its self and landsm shutting off the motors. My crappy Xaircraft RTH would normally just go off on its own and if you shut down RTH it will just self destruct in a crash...its ugly. At best it could not land its self in any case you had to do that.

Not the case with Wookong.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ruuL-kUGEY&feature=relmfu This I can live with.

Just flip the switch!

Check fear1mn on YouTube for a demo of rth. I'd link it but I'm on my phone. If you set it up in the assistant, it will work.

It will pause, fly to 20 meters, turn noise toward home while flying back to home, pause again, then slowly stay coming down. Give yourself 30 feet or so in all directions from home for safety as it isn't pinpoint accurate. Mine was within about 10-15 feet of where I got GPS lock.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

Just flip the switch!

Check fear1mn on YouTube for a demo of rth. I'd link it but I'm on my phone. If you set it up in the assistant, it will work.

It will pause, fly to 20 meters, turn noise toward home while flying back to home, pause again, then slowly stay coming down. Give yourself 30 feet or so in all directions from home for safety as it isn't pinpoint accurate. Mine was within about 10-15 feet of where I got GPS lock.

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

yep, thats where i seen it on youtube also. used mixing and the suggested settings. works perfect everytime. stops, goes up to 65 feet to clear trees ect. turns towards home, flys back to home, hovers at 65 feet for 15 seconds, then lands at my feet every so fluffy. LOL barameter mearures air pressure for alt and lands soft, im suprised how it sees the grounds and slows down or pops up a little.


I was nervous when I tried my RTH. The first time worked incredibly well. It landed within 11 feet of it's launch point. I tried to show my wife the second time and the after it returned home it began circling to land. The circles remained kind of tight, but I was afraid that it would hit something. I didn't read the manual on how to interrupt the landing sequence so I just watched and prayed that it would hit anything.

Anyway... I love the RTH feature. When it comes home and hovers before landing, just ready yourself to retake control of your craft by switching flight modes. I switch from GPS to ATTi mode to stop the landing (if it's in a tight area, or circling becomes an issue which only happened once). It does make flying easier, especially distance flying.

Just remember to change flight modes if you want to retake control of your craft BEFore it lands. Otherwise, just have a wide enough area and watch it land by itself. Breath easy...it works.

Well guys..... I did it finally.
Went out to the cornfield. Brother little was standing by with a laugh and his camera.

Took the quad about 15 - 20 meters up and 100 out. Had it hang there for a minute and then flipped then switch and prayed a little.
After a short while it took to the sky slowly and really stabile. And the bloody thing went home and landed within 3 feet of the launch spot.
No toilet bowl no nothing just look like it was born to RTH. Must admit my eyes where a little misty ;-)
Did 2 more test and same results. Now I was a happy boy with a homesick quad.

I then wanted to try the failsafe on the radio / tx. Now this was a different result. I had the throttle set to 15%, so it was over the 10 % stated in the manual. And with the prior RTH test fresh in my mind I told brother... "Look what I can do" and I then turned off my tx. His answer was this: " yes I see,you can hide then quad in the corn. " that was a very close description of what the quad chose to do. 0.4 second after the tx was turned of the quad fel like a deep bird and started a hide and seek game in a cornfield.

Damn that bloody thingy I thought, perhaps it need to have 50 % throttle and just some hang time, so the failsafe in the naza kicks in. Changed the throttle setting and did a new test after we pulled enough corn out of the quad, that would make Kellogg's happy. Now it just hang there for as long as the battery lasts.

Any ideas to set up the failsafe on my futaba 10C ???

Next is putting on the fpv tx and setup for the fpv test.


Yeah, you need to set the TX failsafe so that the RX knows to "flick the RTH" switch when it looses signal. There should be a guide somewhere on google to tell you how to set it up on your futaba, or in your manual.

Normal procedure is to set the controls to where you want them in the event of failsafe and then save it somehow


I just built a 450 over the weekend and decided to test the RTH straight away. I had confirmed everything was as it should be on the ground and hooked up to the laptop before hand so was fairly confident with it.

Here's the video...


I should have took it to a flat field I know, but I just couldnt resist and to be honest seeing it cope with the surface it landed on just made me feel so much more confident with it.


Andy, it looks good;-)

Blacksails, yes that's the error I made. I didn't give the failsafe switch a thought t all..
Ill setup the tx to flip the switch in failsafe.

Thanks :)
