RPQ-S but which venue?



I have settled on booking the RPQ-S course and looking at the schedule for 2014 is see there is now a fairly wide choice of Venues.
I am leaning towards booking on the Worcester course although the earliest opportunity is August but prepared to wait and practice if this location has facility advantages.

Does anybody have experience of the courses in other locations?? Bournemouth or Newmarket are the closer but as i said i would be prepared to wait if Wales or Worcester have the best facilities.
I have tried to call them a few times but they appear busy training folk.

All pointers welcomed.



hi, i did the worcester course in feb, i don't think the venue really makes a great deal of difference it is 98% class room apart from a planning exercise on the last day, personally, if you wait till august, you'll be waiting for your permissions until ocotber unless your BNUC-s already of course. :) food was fine, premier inn not far away,


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Location means pretty much zipp really. Time on the other hand.... I would just get going and get it done asap.

Book the first course you can get on thats within you budget. As Carapau said venue mean nothing. It's really the people who teach you that count.
