Rogue drone crashes into Ferris wheel....oh brother

In the end its the users responsibility. It only makes sense that you should be held accountable for your actions. You should be expected to be held liable for damages and maybe even pay a fine for negligence. If your dumb enough to crash into something or someone because your reckless you to need to suffer the consequences of your actions. The Govt can regulate all they want , I don't think it's necessarily the right answer. What starts out as sensible regulation seems to eventually morph into overbearing restrictions.

Mainly because those same idiots don't who follow the (basic commonsense) rules to begin with also don't follow the sensible regulations set down.

Old Man

Active Member
In the end its the users responsibility.


I come from an earlier generation and agree with you but there's a problem. For the past 30 or so years there's been a concerted effort to promote political correctness. There's also the conditioning that comes from a litigious society that has become more pronounced over a similar time period. Toss in our government and school system teaching that anything that happens is always the fault of someone or something else and people no longer feel any sense of responsibility. We could name an infinite number of examples to illustrate this but I've been political enough with this post already.

It's unfortunate but until the average person again starts taking control of their lives and actions the need for manufacturer and distributor responsibility for education and training will need to be significantly expanded. About 8 or 10 years ago I made a public statement about the probability of FPV flight having a string chance of killing off the RC hobby. I'm sorry to say that prediction has come true. Without FPV the public's ability to fly further away than they could see their aircraft would not be present. Nor would they be visually flying through what amounts to a soda straw.

Manufacturers will now have to design in limits a consumer drone operator will not be able to bypass.


Agree 100%

When I became aware of multirotors about 3.5 years ago I ran straight out and stockpiled enough parts to last me a decade. My business partner asked why!? I replied "these things are going to be banned immediately."

Frankly I'm surprised they haven't been.


And I feel that long range fpv is just plain dangerous. Definitely should not be in the hands of the consumer. This aspect should have heavy regulations and licensing IMO

Being new here I shouldn’t start getting to opinionated right off the bat and for that I apologize. I agree with everything you say Old Man but am just bummed that the reality is regulation or outright banning of the technology. I am very much against any Govt interference in my personal business but then that’s not the way the world is anymore so I need to just get over it. That being said when the FAA finalizes the requirements for commercial operators next year I hope to get qualified. I have a good job now and don’t think I could earn more as a UAV pilot but would still like to be qualified. As long as the requirements are not completely unreasonable (or costly) I will pursue it.

Old Man

Active Member
The salaries for UAV pilot/operators has been on a decline for awhile now so if you have a high 5 figure or more income, don't try to fix it by going into UAV's.

No apologies necessary, new or old, good opinions are always welcomed. And BTW, welcome to the site!

Yes I'm realistic about not being able to even come close to matching my salary now by shifting careers. I would love to be able to do something part time though as my work schedule allows for that. There's money to be made with this technology, just need to figure out how. Aerial photography is cool but its a crowded market with limited opportunities. I think agriculture and maybe industrial inspections have good potential. They also have high upfront costs.

Yeah, I'm hopeful. Maybe summer of 2016? Hopefully just a ground school requirement rather than a full pilots license. That seems reasonable to me. I love all the adds out there on craigslist etc that are offering drone pilots courses to get your license. WTH?

Hey @John Doecliff . Yeah, I think you find bottom feeding scammers in just about any sector you can think of. I'm seeing it a lot here in Europe, asking outrageous prices and promising the best experience ever since sliced bread! Pathetic, really.
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