Remote gain adjust help


Using assist software for DJI WKM it recommends you adjust gains by 10-15% at a time so why does remote gain (set on my 3 way switch on X2) double or half the settings? Or have I got this wrong somehow. Any help much appreciated.


Using assist software for DJI WKM it recommends you adjust gains by 10-15% at a time so why does remote gain (set on my 3 way switch on X2) double or half the settings? Or have I got this wrong somehow. Any help much appreciated.

It's because you have it on a switch. I've got my remote gains on a slider and If I set the middle at say 200% then slide it all the way to the top it will be 400%, if I slide it all the way down it will be 100%. But I can then fine tune between those values. Yours seems to working fine but without the fine adjustment because it's simply switching between the different values. You need it on a slider or knob.
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if you setup the neutral of x2 for instance to 100% gain then you have 50 to 200% available for inflight tuning, if you setup the x2 neutral at 200% then you can tune from 100 to 200%...
I hope you get the idea.

Edit: You have to set it up on a pot or slider...


Do you guys really find it that necessary to use the slider (or aux3 knob in te case of my DX8) that often for gain adjustment after you initially set it up
? I am playing with this myself right now, and I hope that I will be able to find 2 or 3 gain settings that work 99% of the time, so I can free up my aux3 knob to be used for gimbal pitch.

I have to adjust the gains almost every flight. Even a slight wind variation or direction can affect the WKm. If you keep them looser than required them you can use them in more situations.
I guess DJI created this software, flying in a closed room and used fans for testing.
