I have a question about maually recording the Forward Direction, HP and POI in the IOC functionality. I am new to the A2, and am in the process of a scratch build, which I have flown under the V2.6 FW, but just upgraded to v2.7. All went well, and I'm prepping for a tied-down test flight before a free-flight test. I am going through some exercises to familiarize myself with manually recording a new HP during a flight, and on the bench, it doesn't seem to be responding the way the new v1.24 A2 Manual indicates it should, if I'm understanding it correctly. I did not do any of this manual HP recording under the v2.6 FW, so I don't know if this is the same behavior I would have seen before upgrading to v2.7.
I have my 3-position switch configured as per Option A in the chart on pg 34. In this config, Pos 1 is Off, Pos 2 is CL and Pos 3 is HL.
If I am understanding correctly, the table in "Step 2 Forward Direction, HP and POI Recording" indicates that to manually record/change the FD, I toggle 3-5 times between pos 1 & 2. If successful, I should see 20 green LED flashes. To record/change the HP, I toggle 3-5 times between Pos 2 & 3. If HP record is successful, I should see 20 violet LED flashes.
I am powering on the radio then the system and waiting until GPS locks in (I'm indoors, so it takes a while). At ~36 seconds I get ~20 rapid green flashes. This should indicate FD has been automatically recorded. Once I have had 7 or more satellites (no red flashes) for longer than 10 seconds, I start the motors and raise the throttle to 50% (yes, props are off). This should automatically record the HP. I then have 1 violet LED flash indicating GPS ATTI mode, then 5 violet LED flashes indicating I am within 8 meters of the HP. Perfect so far.
At this point I move the IOC switch from Off (Pos 1) to CL (Pos 2). I then have 1 violet flash and 1 green flash (indicating GPS and IOC modes). I then toggle the IOC switch between Pos 2 & 3 5 times. I then see ~20 rapid green flashes, indicating the FD has been recorded, not ~20 violet flashes to indicate the HP has been recorded. Also note that I see no rapid indicator flashes when I toggle 3-5 times between Pos 1 & 2, which is where I would expect to record the FD and get the ~20 green flashes.
If I go into the Assistant software and change the config of the IOC switch to Pos 1 is OFF, Pos 2 is POI and POS is HL, then repeat the above test, I still get no rapid indicator flashes when toggling between Pos 1 & 2, and when I toggle between Pos 2 & 3, I now get ~20 violet flashes, indicating the HP has been recorded.
Am I crazy, stupid, or both? If anyone could verify this behavior on their v2.7 FW A2 I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
ADDITIONAL INFO: I repeated the above in the OFF/CL/HL switch config, and after FD and HP was automatically recorded, I manually moved the UAS to a different location several meters away from the current HP (with motors still on simulating flight movement), and rotated the nose to change the FD, then tried to record things again. I got the same results. I just wanted to make sure the UAS being in the EXACT same position as when FD and HP were automatically recorded was not affecting the logic of recording these parameters.
I have my 3-position switch configured as per Option A in the chart on pg 34. In this config, Pos 1 is Off, Pos 2 is CL and Pos 3 is HL.
If I am understanding correctly, the table in "Step 2 Forward Direction, HP and POI Recording" indicates that to manually record/change the FD, I toggle 3-5 times between pos 1 & 2. If successful, I should see 20 green LED flashes. To record/change the HP, I toggle 3-5 times between Pos 2 & 3. If HP record is successful, I should see 20 violet LED flashes.
I am powering on the radio then the system and waiting until GPS locks in (I'm indoors, so it takes a while). At ~36 seconds I get ~20 rapid green flashes. This should indicate FD has been automatically recorded. Once I have had 7 or more satellites (no red flashes) for longer than 10 seconds, I start the motors and raise the throttle to 50% (yes, props are off). This should automatically record the HP. I then have 1 violet LED flash indicating GPS ATTI mode, then 5 violet LED flashes indicating I am within 8 meters of the HP. Perfect so far.
At this point I move the IOC switch from Off (Pos 1) to CL (Pos 2). I then have 1 violet flash and 1 green flash (indicating GPS and IOC modes). I then toggle the IOC switch between Pos 2 & 3 5 times. I then see ~20 rapid green flashes, indicating the FD has been recorded, not ~20 violet flashes to indicate the HP has been recorded. Also note that I see no rapid indicator flashes when I toggle 3-5 times between Pos 1 & 2, which is where I would expect to record the FD and get the ~20 green flashes.
If I go into the Assistant software and change the config of the IOC switch to Pos 1 is OFF, Pos 2 is POI and POS is HL, then repeat the above test, I still get no rapid indicator flashes when toggling between Pos 1 & 2, and when I toggle between Pos 2 & 3, I now get ~20 violet flashes, indicating the HP has been recorded.
Am I crazy, stupid, or both? If anyone could verify this behavior on their v2.7 FW A2 I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
ADDITIONAL INFO: I repeated the above in the OFF/CL/HL switch config, and after FD and HP was automatically recorded, I manually moved the UAS to a different location several meters away from the current HP (with motors still on simulating flight movement), and rotated the nose to change the FD, then tried to record things again. I got the same results. I just wanted to make sure the UAS being in the EXACT same position as when FD and HP were automatically recorded was not affecting the logic of recording these parameters.