Hi Guys,
This is Regarding setting up of Radians and Wookong M for One Pilot operation with Futaba 8FG SUPER which i have just purchased.
1. Starting a new thread, as i am just not able to find what i am looking for, and i know i will need lots of help, and discussion.
2. I have got the JR so that the second pilot can take over the cam mount as soon as he switches on the Radio, cause the Sat Rx is attached to the First Radian (PAN)
3. I have now purchased the Futaba 8FG Super , which in S Bus mode has 14 channels, and i would need most of them for single pilot operation. so that i have Mode and Tilt control of Cam Mount from my 8FG Tx and also fly the Hex copter with the same 8FG Radio.
4. This is cause i have a HEX with Wookong-M , and CineStar 3 Axis cam mount with Radians, and both have S Bus input ports.
5. So now the issue is how do i set up the whole thing for one pilot operation, with Hex copter and Radians operating with one S Bus Rx
6. One thing i can make out is that if i first send the S Bus output from Rx to Wookong M then there is no output port from where i can send cable to the first Radian.
7. Second is that if i send S Bus output from Rx to Radians first... then there is a output available at last Radian which is Tilt Radian, which can be sent to Wookong M , BUT, i feel that when the second pilot puts on his JR radio... there will be no output available from last Radian to Wookong, and i would loose control of Wookong from my Futaba radio
8. So am i right in thinking, that if i put a S BUS HUB at output of S Bus from Rx... then the S Bus signals go to Radians and Hex copter from the HUB. and i can then assign channels as necessary for MODE and Tilt of cam mount,,,, and MODE and Fail Safe and IOC etc for Wookong M.
9. So if No 8 is correct, how do i do the set up... cause although i can open the Radian Stablizer set up window and the Wookong Assistant set up window on my PC simultaneously, will the channel assignments take place. OR do i open one set up window at a time and assign channels.
10. Presently i am mortally scared to hook up everything, in case i bust something.. each Radian is a whopping $ 350... then add shipping and Customs duty........
11. Has anyone done a set up from one Radio with S Bus to control the Wookong M and also the Radians, in a One Pilot Operation from Single Rx S Bus output
12. Lastly, my apologies for such a long start of a discussion, but tried to put my chain of thought together, so that someone can tell me which paragraph Numbers above r correct and which will not work...
Thanks in advance
Really hope someone is out there
Ramesh Tahlan
This is Regarding setting up of Radians and Wookong M for One Pilot operation with Futaba 8FG SUPER which i have just purchased.
1. Starting a new thread, as i am just not able to find what i am looking for, and i know i will need lots of help, and discussion.
2. I have got the JR so that the second pilot can take over the cam mount as soon as he switches on the Radio, cause the Sat Rx is attached to the First Radian (PAN)
3. I have now purchased the Futaba 8FG Super , which in S Bus mode has 14 channels, and i would need most of them for single pilot operation. so that i have Mode and Tilt control of Cam Mount from my 8FG Tx and also fly the Hex copter with the same 8FG Radio.
4. This is cause i have a HEX with Wookong-M , and CineStar 3 Axis cam mount with Radians, and both have S Bus input ports.
5. So now the issue is how do i set up the whole thing for one pilot operation, with Hex copter and Radians operating with one S Bus Rx
6. One thing i can make out is that if i first send the S Bus output from Rx to Wookong M then there is no output port from where i can send cable to the first Radian.
7. Second is that if i send S Bus output from Rx to Radians first... then there is a output available at last Radian which is Tilt Radian, which can be sent to Wookong M , BUT, i feel that when the second pilot puts on his JR radio... there will be no output available from last Radian to Wookong, and i would loose control of Wookong from my Futaba radio
8. So am i right in thinking, that if i put a S BUS HUB at output of S Bus from Rx... then the S Bus signals go to Radians and Hex copter from the HUB. and i can then assign channels as necessary for MODE and Tilt of cam mount,,,, and MODE and Fail Safe and IOC etc for Wookong M.
9. So if No 8 is correct, how do i do the set up... cause although i can open the Radian Stablizer set up window and the Wookong Assistant set up window on my PC simultaneously, will the channel assignments take place. OR do i open one set up window at a time and assign channels.
10. Presently i am mortally scared to hook up everything, in case i bust something.. each Radian is a whopping $ 350... then add shipping and Customs duty........
11. Has anyone done a set up from one Radio with S Bus to control the Wookong M and also the Radians, in a One Pilot Operation from Single Rx S Bus output
12. Lastly, my apologies for such a long start of a discussion, but tried to put my chain of thought together, so that someone can tell me which paragraph Numbers above r correct and which will not work...
Thanks in advance
Really hope someone is out there
Ramesh Tahlan