I have been playing with a few different props:
Gaui 10" props - nicely balanced but have had one separate on me
Gaui 8" props - nicely balanced, no issues with light loads
DJI 8" props - OK balanced, but have heard of them breaking
DJI 10" props - OK balanced, no problems so far but are are not as efficient as APC or Graupner equivalent (motors get hot).
APC 10x4.75 - OK balanced out of the box, but REALLY smooth once balanced. No problems at all. Best value for money in my book..
Graupner 10x5 - OK to badly balanced out of the box, no prop adapters included. Construction seems good but in my opinion not worth the extra $$ over the APC props! A lot of work and sanding to get them balanced! Seem very efficient though...