Propellar pitch


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
I'm just curious as to what people use to calculate what prop is the best match for their particular motor. There is quite a bit out there for aircraft but is there anything specific to multirotors as the requirements are a touch different as I understand it.


Active Member
Have a look at this thread:

it is mainly a discussion about replacing the stock Carbon props of the DJI S800 with different props, but it will give you some info about the different aspects of props. At the end of the day you have to find the "ideal" combination of ESC + Motor + prop to get the most efficient set-up for your needs...the drawback is that there is no ideal combo for all applications....long flight times vs. stability vs. lifting capacity require different set-up's. Once you know what exactly you want, you can start investigating the most efficient combo to suit your needs.



Pitch and length are important. My Y6 flew fine with Graupner 11x5 props. I actually got more flight time when compared with the 10 inch APC props. I had 11x5 inch Graupners on top and bottom motors and noticed that in order to maintain altitude that I had to keep the throttle a few notches above the halfway mark. I replaced the bottom props with Graupner 12x6 and my ship is rock solid. No yaw issues, plenty of lift and decent flight time considering my craft is almost 7 pounds.

The bottoms motors/props couldn't generate enough lift in already disturbed air. Changing the length and pitch really made a worth while difference in flight characteristics.
