Just finished rebuilding my little X8 hoverfly that made a hard landing a few weeks ago. This machine quickly became the favorite of my fleet in a short time. Over the Christmas holidays I decided to take on my first build with 8 motors after buying a hoverfly pro board. Was pretty impressed with how simple the build was and that I was actually able to put the machine together using instructions that basically came on only 1 page. I mounted 8 tiger 2216 motors with 11x4.7 props, and was using 4 cells. Really surprised at the power the machine made ... added a camera mount with camera. Didn't take long for the Hoverfly X8 machine to remind me of my first love back in the day :livid::nevreness::02.47-tranquillity: which is why when it crashed on me I was pretty upset.
The first time I noticed something I was flying and thought I saw one of the motors really slow down and nearly stop.. like to think i have a pretty keen eye and can often times the the rpm changing on the different motors when I am changing direction.. but this time... I mean rpm was way down and slower on just one motor and I thought it was strange but the x8 kept on flying leading me to believe it was just normal behavior. Few days later I went to fly again and was starting to descend pretty quickly by pulling the throttle back... when again I saw one motor stop.. this time I knew I wasn't seeing things... then a second motor stop.. and before i could throttle up the x8 got side ways and that was it... less then 2 seconds later I was parked in the top of the biggest Oak tree around.
Curious if anyone as any idea what I did wrong with my set up to allow the motors to throttle down and actually stop while descending? I am guessing it has something to do with my throttle set up.. maybe in my radio?
Thanks for the help.
The first time I noticed something I was flying and thought I saw one of the motors really slow down and nearly stop.. like to think i have a pretty keen eye and can often times the the rpm changing on the different motors when I am changing direction.. but this time... I mean rpm was way down and slower on just one motor and I thought it was strange but the x8 kept on flying leading me to believe it was just normal behavior. Few days later I went to fly again and was starting to descend pretty quickly by pulling the throttle back... when again I saw one motor stop.. this time I knew I wasn't seeing things... then a second motor stop.. and before i could throttle up the x8 got side ways and that was it... less then 2 seconds later I was parked in the top of the biggest Oak tree around.
Curious if anyone as any idea what I did wrong with my set up to allow the motors to throttle down and actually stop while descending? I am guessing it has something to do with my throttle set up.. maybe in my radio?
Thanks for the help.