Professional Insurance in UK


Hi All,
can any pro's out there give me some contacts for insurance companies for professional work.

I need to get some quotes for cover before i do anything else.

Also are there any professionals out there with epilepsy. I know there is no medial ban so to speak, but from an insurance point of view its always a stumbling block.

please PM me if you would rather keep your details to yourself. I have been fit free for a long time, and have a full non restricted DL. Only reason technically still an eppy is i wont come of the drug as it would mean no DL.

Please can you help by keeping this to fact not opinion?


Right...spoke to the caa and to an insurance company thanks to resource group.

Having now phoned resource Group and EuroUSC they have both been very helpful but so far resource group have given better info.

Got the answers I need and now just need to do my business plan and buy my copter.

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I'm insured with John Heath Insurance Brokers. The surprise for me was my first job was flying indoors which they don't cover....Anyone know who does?
