Problem mode Attitude GPS


Friends, my name is Lourenço and I'm from Brazil.

I recently purchased an M-DJI WooKoog. He is already up and flying in hexa.
I have a problem in GPS Attitude Hold.

The DJI is taking to get the satellites. It is always one or two lights RED.

When I get all the satellites needed to fly well, so the GPS does not lock.

In the first 30 seconds when active the GPS Attitude Hold, it is locked. After the 30 seconds he starts to leave the point and is in a circle.

My setup DJI:

Basic Parameters: 200% - 200% - 200% - 200%
Attitude Gain: 80% - 80%

Can anyone help me?

My hexa:


Draganflyer X4
I think you might need to leave it longer before flying, to find all satelites. Make sure you are in an open area, switch the WKM on and leave it standing on the ground for a minute or two, until all of the red lights have gone off. Then only fly it after that.



Drone Enthusiast
FotoFair is the GPS module/little arrow pointing in the right direction ?

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Looks not right on arrow direction may right but. Also the basic gains may be a little to low you may try raising them and slightly lower the atti gains. Check direction of IMU arrow its not shown in the photo.



I think you might need to leave it longer before flying, to find all satelites. Make sure you are in an open area, switch the WKM on and leave it standing on the ground for a minute or two, until all of the red lights have gone off. Then only fly it after that.


Hi Gunter,
I never could get all the satellites.It was more than 20 minute sand is always a red light.
I flyin an open field.

The WKM stores thes atellites?
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Looks not right on arrow direction may right but. Also the basic gains may be a little to low you may try raising them and slightly lower the atti gains. Check direction of IMU arrow its not shown in the photo.


Hi Michael.
The position of the IMU is correct.Small arrow to the front, and is at the center. On topof the CG.

What gain can increase or decrease to influence the GPS?
Attitude gain?
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Drone Enthusiast
you arrow of the IMU might be correct but what about the arrow on the gps module is that point in the right direction ? As in 100% forward


I would try bumping the basic gains up. But should ask what is the flying weight of the hexa.


Michael, i will increase basic earnings with remote adjust.

I will increase basic earnings with remote adjust.
The weight of the flight is ready to hexacopter: 2.5 kg exactly.



Drone Enthusiast
page 19 in manual. Digital compass calibration. but also check your tx calibation if everyhing it still the way it should be !


Follows the video with the problem.
Flying without a red Led's. SATELLITES OK GUNTER! :nevreness:

The Hex is locked for a few seconds and soon start making a circle.

My setup:
Basic Gain: 200% - 200% - 200% - 200%
Attitude Gain: 90% - 90%

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Fotoair just flew mine in the highest wind so far the winds 13-18 with gust and the GPS hold was totally great. I was impressed to say the least every flight seems really good and solid. Looking at your gains 90 may be to high on the atti side for fun try the basic at 250 all across and 70 on atti gain and see what happens with those settings.



It clear in the video somethings not right way to much movement just after takeoff. Basic gains controller the the board in manual as well as atti mode. The best way to trim is in manual mode and turn the gain up and up till it starts occillating then back the gain off 10% or maybe a little more. Then in atti mode do the same thing that way you can find the settings that work with your craft. Mine in 15 mph wind is solid today a did a slow piro in the wind and stay dead on it was amazing yours will get there give this a try. Also on vertical setting you may try lowering it a bit as well it may be working to much and over correcting causing it to circle is the common thing high gain will do.
