Police are starting to fear model planes.


Good old Ben Franklin said it best:
“Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


Mr take no prisoners!
Old is right, no good hiding behind something said from someone that lived hundreds of years ago, he didn't understand today that well, I doubt that in his wildest dreams he could have envisaged the world as we know it.

What about the guys that trained the people that flew into the WTC, they thought it odd at the time and said nothing, how do you think they feel now, pretty stupid I would think.

How about a bit of both, lets not be stupid but mindful is good.

To late for the US anyway, they have gone way too far down the wrong fork to find their way back I think.




Well the Constitution's a couple of hundred years old, if they followed the constitution none of this FAA crap would be happening in the first place.

Its easy to armchair quarterback 9/11, noticing something odd about someones behavior especially during flight training, what would you do? How can make an accusation about something that hasn't happened yet?

Timothy McVeigh used a rented truck to blow up the Oklahoma City Federal building but its still legal to rent trucks, yet people are concerned about terrorists using RC's. That's just paranoia. How do you think the people who trained him in the military feel now? The flight instructors and the drill sergeants had no responsibility for what these sick individuals went on to do.

That statement is as true today as it was when he said it.

Old Man

Active Member
It's really hard to understand how a jet fuel fire can slag steel. Truthfully, even combining jet fuel with the furnishings inside a high rise and you can't generate enough heat to melt steel. Heat and cause deformity, yes, but not melt. A very large amount of slagged steel was seen in the rubble. OTH, thermite does that quite well.


You mentioned how some people might feel today. back in the day I was training student pilots how to fly in CA. I was one of the lucky ones that had a couple people with odd last names that were not all that interested in learning how to land. They never finished their flight training and simply disappeared. That was before 9/11 by a few years. I still wonder.

BTW, I have a much greater fear of police than I do of RC people. People that know themselves to be above the law are extremely dangerous to be around.


Well the Constitution's a couple of hundred years old, if they followed the constitution none of this FAA crap would be happening in the first place.

Its easy to armchair quarterback 9/11, noticing something odd about someones behavior especially during flight training, what would you do? How can make an accusation about something that hasn't happened yet?

Timothy McVeigh used a rented truck to blow up the Oklahoma City Federal building but its still legal to rent trucks, yet people are concerned about terrorists using RC's. That's just paranoia. How do you think the people who trained him in the military feel now? The flight instructors and the drill sergeants had no responsibility for what these sick individuals went on to do.

That statement is as true today as it was when he said it.

You have the Declaration of Independence and your Constitution is enshrined in that and the Majority of Americans are well versed in its details, We the Brits have the Magna Carter brought about by Oliver Cromwell in which the typical Brit knows nothing about and doesn't guarantee us anything, your entitled to far more freedoms in the US than Us, but at the End of the Day if some form of creativity/hobby, comes around there is always someone out there one wants a Piece of the Action in some form of regulation and the best way to bring that around is to blame the idiot DJI phantom owner who videos his stupid activities/exploits and puts them on youtube or a tool for the terrorist to use.


Active Member


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I wouldn't say that police are starting to fear RC aircraft. I would say that they are keeping an open eye to a potential threat avenue in an effort to stay ahead of terroristic plots. It is up to the community to report suspicious behavior. Especially questions that would lead someone to believe that they are planning a nefarious act using our hobby. The 9/11 hijackers were only concerned with flying the plane during their simulator training.

Old Man

Active Member
You have the Declaration of Independence and your Constitution is enshrined in that and the Majority of Americans are well versed in its details,

Actually, most are not even minimally versed. They know one exists but little beyond that.


The UK police are definitely becoming more savvy over UAVs. We had a call from the police a day after doing a job in what will soon be a sensitive area. They were obviously seeking someone flying on the day they called. What was curious is that the call came through to a personal mobile number and they knew our name. We had only lodged those particular details with local ATC and heliport plus the CAA. We reassured them we had finished and they were quite happy at that. They do seem to know where to look now which is a good thing and quite reassuring.
