Plug for Rotors and Aerial Media


This is just to say what a great vendor Rotors and Aerial Media is. No, I'm not affiliated in any way - but sometimes somebody goes over and above the call of duty, and that's rare in this industry.

Beresford makes very high quality gimbals and ours is no exception. He was extremely patient with all my bumbling and overnighted several parts I needed. Can't say enough great things. Beats the hell out of the customer support I've tried to get from some other companies that don't need to be named.

We finally got his 3-axis brushless gimbal up and running and it is incredible. No real footage yet, but we had our first test-run yesterday and it was great - needs a bit of tweaking, but it's great. We have a shoot tomorrow, so I should be able to get that video up here as soon as it's ready.


