Planning to build. 6s system


Airborne Media Pros
AUW is about 14 pounds, flight times are about 15 min using two 6S 6000mah packs and 12" Xoar props. I've picked up four 8000mah 6S packs so I'm expecting longer flight times as the motors weren't really straining to carry the 14 lbs it was at with the 6000 mah packs.

Hey Bartman,

Is your multirotor a HEX or an OCTO?

I tried running your setup as a HEX and an OCTO through the Ecalc and the numbers didn't look too good. Not saying I don't believe you, I really do, I'm just trying to figure out where to go with this build. If it's a hex I can continue to use my 680 frame.
