This is going to be an issue for the duration. No amount of law will stop a dedicated fool.
I'm a gun owner and pay close attention to second amendment politics. This is so similar. Every once in a while there is a tragedy / act of evil / or just stupidity, and the political knee jerks for more rules while the citizenry polarizes into "those things are evil" vs. "don't take away my things". Generally nothing happens apart from panic buying. Nothing sells product like fear that it might go away.
We will have to get accustomed to periodic panics in the drone/sUAS/RC/whatever world, and ultimately we would be better off with a coordinated and well funded political machine on our side. I'm not a big fan of the NRA (my views are more radical...), but they get things done.
Although I completely agree with the need for a political group the problem is in paying for it. Many people will join an organization and have good intentions with supporting it, right up to the moment they find out there's a need for them to send money to support it.
People that organize such a group have to devote immense time and effort to put it together, make political contacts, attend meetings, establish rapport with manufacturers and users, and somehow find time to work a day job. They can be the most dedicated and altruistic people that have ever lived but the still have to support their families and pay the bills.
Putting in 16-18 hour days 7 days a week when you can only make money 8 hours a day for 5 days takes a heavy toll on people. Worse, their day to day expenses increase dramatically because of phone and travel expenses. It does not take long before they are forced to review what is happening to their family life and personal funds before they have to make a choice; give up all they have for others to benefit or cease the political activity to focus on survival.
Think about this when stating a need for organized representation. Any organization needs not just the moral support of the members, they need financial support too, and not just on a one time only contribution basis. You either have a lot of members periodically contributing a little at a time or a few members kicking in a lot.
Ultimately the consequences of not having a group that represents our needs and professions will bring massive over regulation. The big outfits are looking out for their long term financial interests, not ours.
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