Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
I have tried to place picloc both ways - .....

Is there a particular reason why you want Picloc to be mounted on the camera plate? It is invariably more reliable and less prone to 'weird' behaviour when mounted off-axis. Also, although it is supposed to work mounted either way, it is easier to setup with it sideways, i.e. the arrow facing the Roll axis. Some folks claim to use it mounted lengthways and I even seem to remember reading somewhere that it is designed primarily to operate that way (with arrow towards Tilt) but in my experience (and plenty others around here) it was just too confusing with Roll and Tilt servos getting horribly mixed up inside the Toolz software.

Perhaps it is different now with the later software.

Anyway, if you have space somewhere on either the gimbal or the airframe, I would at least try mounting it off-axis so that it is not subjected to any camera tilt or roll. It does work On-Axis but it is just more troublesome.

It looks like you have modified servos with external feedback potentiometers. This means they are 360° servos, they are effectively normal proportional servos, but with an extended range by virtue of the multi-turn pots. The choice of using slew or proportional depends a) on the transmitter control and b) your preference.

If the transmitter controls are self-centering sticks, then slew is preferred - particularly for the Tilt axis where you may wish the camera to stay at a given angle. But if you are using rotary pots or sliders then you must set the servos in Functions within Toolz to proportional.

As for the whole setup procedure, really make sure you have the correct version of Toolz to match the firmware version. Virtually EVERY firmware version has its own specific and individual Picloc Toolz version and programming cannot be done if they are not compatible. If in doubt download the matched pair and reinstall the firmware.

Next, start Toolz and turn off 'Continuous Update' in Options. Then plug in Picloc and click 'Connect' in Toolz. Nothing much will appear to be happening but this is because 'Continuous Update' is off. Then do a Factory Reset. Once this has completed disconnect Picloc. Then reconnect it and re-enable 'Continuous Update'. Enable Magnetometer and restart. Then calibrate the magnetometer with the special turning it around in circles procedure that is outlined in Toolz.

Save and Restart.

Disable magnetometer, Save and Restart.

Now reset radio channels (which will have all changed), receiver type and axis heirarchy. Save and Restart.

Next, in SERVOS, set servo centers, select 360° if necessary and set servo directions. Don't change ATV's yet. Note that there are TWO ATV settings. One in SERVOS and one in FUNCTIONS. The ATV's under SERVOS are to limit servo travel in auto mode, i.e. when Picloc is compensating. The ATV's under FUNCTIONS are to limit servo travel from Tx stick commands. You can come back to these later.

Go back to FUNCTIONS and select slew or proportional for each axis. Verify that the servos respond to Tx stick commands. If they do, go to GAINS (if they don't stand on a bin, scream helplessly and stamp your feet). Also verify that Picloc tries to compensate each axis. If there is only small movement check that you do not have the RTH switch on (Return To Home). If there is no movement at all check that you don't have the same switch in the 'Freeze' position.

Now you can go to GAINS and start adjusting the amount that Picloc compensates in each axis. Do not be tempted to whack in high amounts of gain. Leave it around the default values of 200 for now. The more that value is increased the more unstable the system becomes. You can always experiment later. The only important setting at this stage is the degree of compensation. Tilt or Roll the mount and adjust the gain sliders until the camera plate is brought level in both axes.

If everything is working at this stage you can now adjust the ATV's in SERVOS to limit the amount that Picloc drives the servos. 10°-15° is generally more than adequate on the Roll axis for example. Needing any more than that means it is either far too windy or you're flying like an idiot.

Have you tried really basic stuff like taking picloc off the mount and just connecting a single, standard servo and receiver with battery to establish whether or not it works at all with the transmitter? And have you watched George's videos? Best thing is to right-click download them so you don't have to keep waiting for the internet, and then follow the entire process from the very beginning as George explains the setup procedure.


Thank you MF, I did what you describe here and all seem to work EXCEPT the radio.
When I connect the radio on the Toolz screen the servos are going crazy. No stick input .
On the gimball nothing moves. The servos don't respond to the stick input.
I tried the DX-8, and the Futaba 8FG with wpm and ppm receivers.

Any hints?



Heli's & Tele's bloke
Is there a particular reason why you want Picloc to be mounted on the camera plate? ....

I just noticed a glaring typo error. However, and this is not the first time, I cannot edit my post. This MRF has some weird bugs in it lately. This is one of them, whereby a post cannot always be edited by the author except immediately after posting, and another is the difficulty in embedding videos. I have been finding it necessary to write the code - [ video ]blah,blah,etc.[ /video ] (without the spaces)

Anyway, the correction to the glaring error:

"It looks like you have modified servos with external feedback potentiometers. This means they are NOT 360° servos, they are effectively normal proportional servos, but with an extended range by virtue of the multi-turn pots. The choice of using slew or proportional depends a) on the transmitter control and b) your preference".

Thank you MF, I did what you describe here and all seem to work EXCEPT the radio.
When I connect the radio on the Toolz screen the servos are going crazy. No stick input ...

Not really sure what is going on there. Are you selecting the correct Radio Type in Toolz? I am using a Futaba receiver, with individual Rx outputs going to Picloc inputs, and in Toolz>OPTIONS>Radio Type, I select option two: i1 - i5 rX CH input.
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2MombasaFlash - Thanks for your help. I have tried flying with picloc mounted off-axis but I wanted to try to install it on the plate. As I understand now it'll work only with 360 servos.

To George I made a mistake today and connected plus and minus to picloc vice versa. There was a click inside the picloc and then I could smell of burned electronics. :(
Picloc still works, it sends commands to servos and stabilizes the gimbal, but PiclocToolz and FlashMagicTool cannot see it.

Is there any way to fix it?

If that helps, here is how I connected power wires. Picloc was installed upside down, but I didn't notice it:



Heli's & Tele's bloke
... I have tried flying with picloc mounted off-axis but I wanted to try to install it on the plate. As I understand now it'll work only with 360 servos.


Be aware that with Picloc installed On-Axis, i.e. on or moving with the camera plate, you will encounter problems with the Roll axis when the camera plate (with Picloc) is tilted more than 50°-ish. It is not an exact figure. What happens is that The Roll axis then begins to align with the Pan axis and Picloc gets very confused. At best the Roll axis starts to drift one way or the other. At worst it will try to zoom all the way round in an attempt to regain horizontal. The tilt axis has an alarming tendency to do this too sometimes when you least expect it during programming and setup. Depending on the type of camera mount it can chew up your servo and control cables (because with Picloc on the camera plate there will be a whole bunch of flying cables that need sufficient slack to accommodate the full travel of both Tilt and Roll axes).

Sorry about the upside-down issue. Easily done.


Yes. My picloc it used to be inner-axis. 4 pieces Savöx servo burn out :( Many other problems as well. I went back inside only z-axis.


Hi all
I ask again.
How to make wireless serial connection from picloc3x and PC or jetibox.
All working solutions should be. Diagrams, etc.
Thank you.
Jozsef Nagy.


If you care to look at Georges website (rotorpics.com), login and go the the "Temporary First Info on PiclocToolz-3x", page 3 shows you how to connect the JetiBox to your Picloc. If you want to connect the JetiBox at the Tx, then plug the Ext. connector from your receiver into the Picloc instead and plug the JetiBox into your Tx. Note though, I have had no success getting the JetiBox to work reliably when plugged into the Tx. George is going to correct this on the next upgrade. Connecting the JetiBox directly to the Picloc works fine though.


Graham, Thank you. OK.
Wired jetibox now it works. Jetibox is 1 wired serial port (same wire to rx/tx data)
This is my problem. How to connect this 1 wired serial data to wireless rs232 transceiver
I found the diagram from mikrokopter. RX/tx with bridged this diode. This solution how adapt the picloc and 3 wires rs232 trasceivers?
Thank you


The JetiBox is designed and intended to be used with the Jeti range of RC transmitters and receivers. I've not tried to connect the JetiBox through another form of radio device. You might have problems with data voltage levels. I don't know if the JetiBox uses RS232 signals. As far as I know, the small data transceivers (such as XBee) use RS232 signal levels.


Njozef, Jetibox cannot be made to work through RS232 or Xbee.
Yes... as pointed out by Graham, Jetibox is a strange serial data packet at 9600Baud, over a single wire.
Traditionally, only a small range of 'Atmega' 8bit microprocessors can use it/produce it/read it with hardware peripherals.
Cant tell you enough how hard it was to make this data exchange compatible with Picloc's 32Bit microprocessor through its hardware ( ie efficient ).

The new firmware which I've been working on allows Picloc to be fulltime wirelessly connected to Toolz through Port1 of Picloc-3X and Picloc-3X PRO Version 2. Details about this coming out soon.

@Zorba... picloc exchange is available by sending an email to picloc-swap@mail.com
My website www.rotorpics.com is about to be updated soon with info on new Picloc, and tutorial videos about new firmware that will power Picloc-3X and Picloc-3X PRO v2.

@AlexeiD - Your Picloc still works, but the comms peripherals of the microprocessor have been likely burnt out by the reverse polarity. It can be fixed of course.... by sending it back for repair, but I urge you to send me an email to picloc-swap to fix/upgrade it to Version 2 spec at the same time.

Some VERY NICE surprises are about to surface as well.
I wasn't quiet for nothing during the past 2 months ;D
And to this, I wish to apologize for the lack of interventions by myself over the last weeks.
I also wish to thank fellow Picloc users for helping out each other in my absence. A big Up !!

Stay TuneD



@AlexeiD - Your Picloc still works, but the comms peripherals of the microprocessor have been likely burnt out by the reverse polarity. It can be fixed of course.... by sending it back for repair, but I urge you to send me an email to picloc-swap to fix/upgrade it to Version 2 spec at the same time.
I'm in first 200 for picloc swap. Btw do you have new :) estimate date for picloc swap?


Hey George, can I find out what my picloc that I sent to you, you fixed it
it's been a few months have passed and I need it to work: (
2pcs Picloc not yet been recorded on the Marcin Pionke


Connecting a DSM2 Satellite/Spektrum DX6i to the Picloc 3X

Still trying to get my Piclocs to work with the a satellite and a Spektrum DX6i. I have spent quite some time on this now and I really want to get it working. Any help is greatly appreciated!

This is what's happening:

When I connect the DSM2 satellite to the 3X and move the throttle channel on the DX6i, the Spektrum ID changes in the tools. Also, two of the channels are not centered and will only allow for partial range of movement.




Hi Jesper. Actually I am not convinced you can count on getting it to work, due to the numerous Fw bugs. The new Fw to be released in a month or so should deal with bugs like this, and many others. I know, it is frustrating to just sit and wait...
