Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Glad that I finally found this thread. I don't know if anybody else is experiencing the same but my Picloc 3X Standard is working pretty well in the moment but due to probably temperature related problems the roll axis gets out of center all the time. I see it twitching around when the copter is in the air and if I try a fast flight most of the times the roll axis will be tilted quite prominently to one side or the other. I talked to another fellow Picloc user and he told me that there might be an upgrade with better sensors coming about. Is that true?


I have the same problem, with an AV200 360. It goes well for the first minutes, but after some flight time, the roll axis tilts to one side and you have to hold horizontal position manually. That's really annoying and happens nearly every flight.


+1 still no solution. I know George is working on a fix.
Last shoot i used the picloc for tilt and pan and the MK FC2.1 with quadrocopter firmware for the roll compensation.
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What helped sometimes is rolling the copter from one side to the other repeatedly. Funny though, that it only affects roll.

So there is no fix at the moment?


I don't think its temp related because it was not there with V55 and older firmwares.

Glad that I finally found this thread. I don't know if anybody else is experiencing the same but my Picloc 3X Standard is working pretty well in the moment but due to probably temperature related problems the roll axis gets out of center all the time.


Drone Enthusiast
One of you successfully using picloc with a CS gimbal. I stopped testing and just started again and can't get rid of the roll drift once in the air. Would be cool if one of you could share the mounting position of picloc and settings etc.




Roll Drift still a problem tried different places and servo's. See attached images


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Thnx... Its a bit crazy but flying really well with a Epic.

Pic from 2 March


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Hi Gorge!
You offered me to solve my Picloc Problems via a Skype Conference and you already added me as a contact. Since 2 days i am waiting for you call. Can you tell me date/time for our call?
Greets, Speedy


Roll drift was here all the time, I'm still at V55 atm. By the way: am I blind or is there really no link on the rotorpics-homepage pointing to the firmware updates?

Another suggestion: my hierarchy on the gimbal is pan->tilt->roll. So if the whole assembly is tilted fully downwards, the roll stabilization gets somewhat useless as it then is only turning the camera rectangularly to the ground. It is possible to choose that hierarchy in the software and I thought it maybe would reduce the roll stabilization gradually until the tray is pointed fully down but no effect whatsoever. Is that going to be implemented someday?


Just to ask again: where exactly can I find the current firmware for my Picloc 3X? There's no link on the homepage anywhere.


Thanks and strange! Have found it earlier and only got a link to the firmware I already have and now I see the 56. Is there an improvement in anything from the 55 to 56?
