Picloc 3x setting experience etc.

dr ray

dr ray
Hi there, hi george

Doing some test- and adjustment flights. All of a sudden, about 5sec. after working with toolz, tools freezes up and Picloc PRO got kickt out of my laptop system. Replugging, it tells me i shoud install a driver??
I did install a new driver, bit without succses. Message: Unknown device! This time, laptop is recognizeing a divice but not the PiclocPRO. With my STD everthing runs fine. Can you george or anyone help me again?

tx ray
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Drone Enthusiast
HI guys,

since my last test in the garden and several flight today indoor to test which voltage lipos I will stock up for the coming season. I started getting probs with my picloc pro actually i think since i updated to one of the HD55 versions switching between the X3 and normal one. In dry tests everything works the way it should. At the moment though i spin up the props the roll axis starts acting out resulting in the gimbal never being level, the bird hasnt even taken off yet. Dry tests with no props on the problem doesn't exist. I have the servos directly powered from a CC pro bec not going over Picloc since the cables work out shorter that way on the CS gimbal and were I have to mount picloc. But i cant imagine thats the problem ?

I would be happy if anybody has has any reccommendations how they setup picloc with their CS gimbal, were they mounted it etc. Although i already tried different spots to mount picloc but i am getting the same results.




Heli's & Tele's bloke
The old Picloc TRv3's used to work great on the bench (this is on the big heli) but once the motor was started and began increasing speed the Tilt axis would pitch forward. I put this squarely down to vibration. As rpm approached lift-off speed the PL would tilt back to almost level again. The TRv3 on Roll used to lean with the helicopter in a turn, thereby increasing the horizon lean and on Pan was entirely useless and was replaced with a 401 gyro. The biggest drawback with the TRv3's was inertial stabilisation in the air and this was manifested with lots of unnecessary movement of the gimbal. I am really hoping this will have been eliminated with the 3X. I will find out today.

I have a 3X mounted on an AV200 but it has not been flown coz it ain't fixed to an airframe yet. I am in no hurry to do so because I am actually rather satisfied with the MK SLR2 mount.


Drone Enthusiast
Okay i am going to make a video of it. To show what happens. I cant believe it vibrations since picloc is hanging on the gimbal were zero vibs can be seen on the cam since isolated and it didn't show this behavior before. Eventually over time or since the HD 55 FW version went on. Gonna retry the pre 55 version. Strange one.



Drone Enthusiast
Okay picloc mounted like on the fotos: On the cam their are hardly any vibs to be seen since the isolation mount. Picloc simplest setup just the proportional values configured everything else is at default or 0.

Results before take off, same in flight than no difference :

View attachment 2997View attachment 2998

Anybody a clue what might be going on ? Tried IMU filter etc no change. ACC calibrated on mount or on dead flat surface no change. Worked before every since HD 55 or like said i am not so sure since some time this issue. I couldnt find a older FW on the page or FW directory. Would like to try 53 again.



The vibrations on the Iphone are from the prop being right over it. The whole thing done with no props no problem. Propbs 100% balanced etc.


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Drone Enthusiast
oh one more. I dont have the probs on tilt, everything is fine. The cam plate is not straight at the moment but one sees that there is no movement.

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I have the same problems. roll-axis is rolling out of horizon (typical to the side where the picloc is sticked), Tilt is nicking up and down. both slowly after takeoff. And the won't go back to "normal" after a minute or so.
Dryrun at home is fine. Roll and Tilt are staying in position. is it maybe, because the picloc moves under the downwash during pan/yaw? is the air-presure of the downwash resulting in a drift of Roll and Tilt? The Props are not complete over the picloc, but the fingertips are.

View attachment 3002View attachment 3003
(pictures are from below looking up)

Just in Case of vibrations, i tried an other flight without Acc (zero), but the same effect.
what is the problem? can anyone give me an idea?



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Drone Enthusiast
In my case it cant be that be that the props are influence picloc since, picloc is actually under the center plate 40 aprrox cm away from any prop.

Same here dry-run everything okay.



thats right.
i guess, you get also a bit from the downwash, but not so much, that it gets influence.
how many degrees does it getting off, boris? in your video, i see/guess, its "just" few degrees offset, isn't it?
My horizon is wrong around 10°, or 2cm up/down on the edges on the 18cm wide camera-plate.

View attachment 3005

i hope, it is "just" a software-problem, not a hardware. or a an other wrong mounting-position?


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Active Member
Sounds a bit like what I get with my FY30A!!! WhenI land & stop the props the camera moves down by a few degrees.


Drone Enthusiast
well in flight it does it even more if it decides to level on one direction and than also drifts off in the same. I cant pin point it at the moment if its since the update or happened before already. I had a flight were it behaved akward before but i put it of as in i have to look at it and forgot about it I think. I have a standard version that i gave a friend to test. Have to get it back and see if its the same issue.



Drone Enthusiast
still remember here in the wind with the 53 everything was ok

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Drone Enthusiast
Okay did the following Picloc still controlling the Gimbal but not on the mount anymore but am the ground under the copter with some weight on. The situation has gotten better ! Why is it so vibration sensitive all of a sudden, or something else that could be messing with the ACC or Gyros ?

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Drone Enthusiast
okay just packed picloc on the mount again with two layers of anti vib gel pads under it. Same issue !

View attachment 3009

dont know what these gel pads can really do. Either they cant catch the vibrations or it not the vibs after all ?



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i have picloc installed on the pipe where the camera is mounted (beside my FS100 with arrow in tilt direction). this won't go with a DSLR... i use the cinestar 3 axis gimbal.
i know that the servos are proportional but it works for me... i had it the same way on my AV200.

