Photographer from Denver


New Member
I'm in the process of researching adding roto-cam capabilities to my arsenal for my clients. I figure this would be a good place to start. I have a number of questions.

~What is the going rate for charging for video? For still?
~I know that laws are very grey, depending on who you talk to, so any info there would be great.
~I'd love to use my Nikons on the rig, but know that they may be too heavy. What is a good, non distorting lens/body combo for stills and video?
~I know altitude effects the full size copters, but how do they effect the RC's? I'd like to be able to use it for clients in some of the ski resorts, but should I worry about altitude?
~And I know that there are somethings I don't even know that I need to ask.

To see what I'd be adding to, here's my website: . As you can see, I specialize in architectural photography, and feel that adding a root-cam would be a natural extension of my services. I'm just wondering if it makes business sense.

Thanks in advance.



Welcome to!!
Hi V

welcome to the site.

the going rate will depend on your client base, the complexity/cost of the equipment you choose to operate, and the amount of work you think you'll be able to do with it.

the laws don't quite exist yet so the best thing you can do for yourself and the rest of us that are doing this will be to be as safe as possible in every aspect of your operation

Not familiar with Nikons but small equals less weight, longer flight times, and simpler builds

Altitude matters so you'll especially have to be focused on light weight in every detail

yes, there are things you probably aren't aware of yet that you should be asking about!

with time and some dedicated effort you'll be on your way. just promise us you'll stick around and answer camera questions when asked!



I'll be visiting family in Denver sometime in May for a few weeks. I'm an ex commercial photographer from California now living in Australia. If you want to get together for a coffee let me know. I think that I might be travelling with my Droidworx XM6 so there's a possibility we could do a flight as well. I usually don't get much time to look around when in Denver and I've always wanted to do some photography there. Send me a PM if you want to meet up.

I'm also flying a Nikon D600 full frame DSLR from a Droidworx (now called Aeronavics) SkyJib coax octocopter. Working towards getting my certification to work commercially here in Oz. See ProUAV Australia for more info. It's fairly basic right now as I'm keeping a low profile until I have my certification and insurance arranged. We have very strict requirements here.
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