Photo Higher HALO 2000


Hi to all,
Have you seen this? Mabe is time to change thinking about the change...

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Drone Enthusiast
I am not quite sure what you mean with this " Mabe is time to change thinking about the change... " but personally i am not impressed ! Nothing a DIY brushless gimbal cant do !



Hi Boris,
I meen that equipment like this change a big amount of film or cammera inustry. Of course you can say that is same new techology (brushless motors), but without any wires around, easy to use on film field for many ways, and also for crafts. This tool can replace a lot of standard cammera equipment, like all in one.


Drone Enthusiast
Cable free we will see ! Once you have your cam on it video feed and cam control it will probably be the same story as the mövi !
Ar least at these prices i would have wanted a slipring to keep everything neat and clean like the zenmuse, also resulting in 360 continuous on all axis.

The middles class and version for the biggest cams compared to the mövi is okay price wise ! But up to now we haven't seen anything ! Essential is also the software and modes you can control the gimbal ! Lets see !



Drone Enthusiast
Not that it matters but the hero is by far my favorite "looking" gimbal. It's gonna be a cut throat market with all these brushless mid size camera gimbals coming out in the next 6 months. Let the games begin.

Would it have hurt to show it flying as well?


Drone Enthusiast
They have a video of it flying:

(edit) just looked at it again hmmmm stay with my opinion not impressed !
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Drone Enthusiast
japp and I am getting 3377.58 $ for a gopro gimbal Halo 1000 from their website :) !

And in general i am not down with their design. For a gimbal that can be perfectly balanced there ahs to be the possibility to adjust the roll axis up and down. Adjusting Tilt up and down and forward and back doesnt do it consider that the balance point of a camera is not in the middle of its casing. Thus you will get the cam balanced when horizontal on roll but couple degress to the left the cam will either swig back to horizontal state or wing completly to one side , if you cant adjust roll up and down !

And their pan axis if it stays by this design cant be moved forward and back ! Meaning I cant balance it perfectly ! Hope they considered that and their motors are strong enough ! Will be interesting to see once people use different cams what they will report !


But its not astonishing that you cant balance it perfectly ! :) Its not like the AV 200 or AV 130 every gave the possibility to balance a cam :)
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All the couriers here in NZ rock around in those Hi Aces, they look good. Thats alot for a Go Pro gimbal. The 2000 isnt terrible alot cheaper than the movie, but the performance didnt make me want to go out and buy one.


That is just a joke. I know they put a lot of money into R&D but the market is expanding rapidly at the moment.
If they sold 200x Av200 a month, they should aim for 600 Hero 2000 and price it that way...
Recently bought a Zenmuse and modified it for GH3 and it actually works...
It still cheaper to have a Zenmuse for each camera if you got different ones.
Will be curios if I manage to use it with the black magic cinema pocket...


I'm wondering, what electronics is being used to drive this gimbal? Is it the Skyline or another, new, development? If the former then we're all in for a bit more pain, if the latter then PH's track record on electronics development stands against them so we're damned either way in my opinion.



After their skyline fiasco and total lack of support, only a fool would gave them that big amount of money for something that it's becoming widely available. Photohigher just don't deserve our support.


I think that support what you are talking about needs bigger team and base for infrastructure, what is challenging. By the way that seems to be their need as well. I wish to them seccess.
