I am very sure that we will get SleepyC's yaw going great tomorrow. I have worked with both our G2-V2-NEX and G2-V2-GH4 gimbals and the Centerpiece until my brain has fallen out.....
I need to clarify where things are at......at least for us....
The issue is with the Autotune in the specific firmware.
Our NEX version is totally awesome with FW 1330. No issues with yaw.
Our GH4 version is totally awesome with FW1328. No issues with yaw.
My experiences with both of these gimbals when running the correct firmware has been very impressive.... this is just Autotune and go....no manual tuning at all. We have made some minor adjustments to the Yaw follow mode deadband, angular limits and speed to meet our specific preferences of how fast and how far the follow mode will allow the camera to move, but that is it.
In our opinion, the "heavy" mass of a larger camera does not do well with firmware 1330. Roee had us back-up to FW1328 with the heavier GH4 and camera yaw again performs awesome.
Others are doing some "manual" tuning to get the CP to work as they need, but we are relying completely on the autotune.
We have been advised that FW1331 will be much better and universal, so should work awesome on both our NEX and GH4 gimbals.
Currently, the only underperforming aspect of the CP from our tests is a motor buzz when the camera is pitched beyond 45 degrees either by rotating the aircraft or using the RC control. Roee is very aware of this problem and while we have tried some suggested "fixes" the problem persists. From what I have been told, the FW1331 should resolve this issue.
Moto, I do not know anything about your gimbal or vibration isolation, but our experiences... especially with a NEX sized camera are awesome.
Hopefully, SleepyC can post an update and some video tomorrow.
Moto, I also wish to say that we are not using any gimbal mounted rotating landing gear. While we know that it is possible if you wish to do manual tuning, the results are always better with retracts or aircraft mounted gear (when using a 1 man follow mode set-up).
I hope this helps.....