Phantom 2 with Zenmuse 3D gimbal and Gopro 3+, fpv help??


Hi All,

I am trying to get my phantom 2 FPV up and running and need some help.. I have a Phantom 2 with a Zenmuse 3D gimbal with a Gopro 3+. I bought Dominator goggles and a Immersion 600mw 5.8 gig transmitter and I need help with how to wire up and connect the transmitter. So any input would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need any other boards. If you need any other information, just let me know.


A very frustrated Scott.

Hi ncdude,
From memory I bought a hub board from the RC shop I bought my P2 H3-3D from to connect everything, the guy at the shop said I would need one to connect everything, I think this was a good move... Although I think I had to solder 2 wires to a supplied plug for the TX, if you have no luck let me know and I will take a photo of it all for you.

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Welcome to!!

The gopro zenmuse gimbals require the NAZA V2 PMU and canbus hub in order to connect the gimbal to the flight control system. If you have it all apart, take a photo of the Phantom from the top with the shell opened up so we can see what you have in there.

I believe the Phantom 2 has the NAZA Lite for a flight controller and that won't include the port to plug in the gimbal thus the need to substitute in the NAZA V2 PMU


Here is the picture of my drone with the top off. Hope you all can see what I need to get the fpv going.


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Welcome to!!

that looks like it's a NAZA V2 so ti should have the PMU and canbus hub already in there.

i didn't a quick search and found this

but, and it's a big but, i just reread your first post and the trouble you're having is in wiring up the video tx

do you already have the gimbal connected and wired correctly? sorry for the misunderstanding.


Yes the gimbal is already hooked up and works just fine, I am hoping to get the fpv working so I can fly farther than I can see standing on my deck. Like I said in my first post I have a immersion 5.8 600mhz TX and I need help with how to wire it up to transmit video from the camera to my dominator goggles. I have searched and not found anything that shows me how to wire it up. I will watch your video to see what it show.



You need to rewire/solder the existing brown and yellow leads (video) and black and red (power) to the vtx. I've got that setup (with an additional optional iosd) and it works well.
This video shows well what needs to be done:



My osd came in a day early so i was able to install it yesterday and took it out for a flight this morning, takes some getting use to once I was above the trees, one thing I did notice is the sky looks fine but the ground is dark depending how I am facing. I also had a little interference once I started moving across the sky, interference meaning the video was breaking up. I have the antennas positioned with the transmitter pointing straight down and the one on the goggles is pointing straight up. Is there anything else I should be doing?

Thanks again for all the help with the osd setup.
