Peli Case for S800 &/or Z15

Hi Everyone,

Sorry - was away on a shoot all day yesterday.

I've had a crazy amount of requests about this case! So I figure, rather than PM everyone, i'll just share here, since im in a good mood :)


Its a Peli 1660 case, with pick n pluck foam. -

The case is relatively large (wont go in hand luggage! but BA only charge £50 in excess baggage, not too bad, it will fit in a small car)

The foam is easy to adapt to fit the various parts, gymbal and legs drop down into it together, space for the S800 core and lipos to the side. Space for two tx's under/infront of the gymbal.

I used cable clips (largest size from maplin) to secure the booms, 3M'd them into place in the lid and they wont budge. -

The video downlink and screen were a late addition for that customer - the screen slots horizontal onto some bolt mounts once the arms are removed.

A few more pics here -

And we're happy to build them to spec, if anyone is interested drop me a line.



Drone Enthusiast
its just unbelievable how expensive these peli cases are in europe compared to the state more than half the price !


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Sorry - was away on a shoot all day yesterday.

I've had a crazy amount of requests about this case! So I figure, rather than PM everyone, i'll just share here, since im in a good mood :)


Its a Peli 1660 case, with pick n pluck foam. -

The case is relatively large (wont go in hand luggage! but BA only charge £50 in excess baggage, not too bad, it will fit in a small car)

The foam is easy to adapt to fit the various parts, gymbal and legs drop down into it together, space for the S800 core and lipos to the side. Space for two tx's under/infront of the gymbal.

I used cable clips (largest size from maplin) to secure the booms, 3M'd them into place in the lid and they wont budge. -

The video downlink and screen were a late addition for that customer - the screen slots horizontal onto some bolt mounts once the arms are removed.

A few more pics here -

And we're happy to build them to spec, if anyone is interested drop me a line.


Is that the box comes with pick n pluck foam or you bought separately pick n pluck foam Part # 1662?


Ok Pelican Case Fans ... I've found a solution that is working for me. While I completely admire the functionality of Jack's 1660, it is a no-go for me because it is both overweight and oversized for checked airline baggage. The majority of carriers here have a 62 inch limit (add up the height, length and width) and a 50 pound weight limit. Pelican lists their 1620 as the limit of transport cases that are uniformly transportable. I've got a 1640 and its too big so I can only imagine the size of the 1660. Now, if your client will fund the shipping charges its a great way to go, but I have to jump onto Southwest on short notice and I don't want to be charged the exorbitant fees that oversized/overweight baggage costs. So I did some digging on the Pelican site and looked at every damn case they have. To my pleasure I found the 0340 cube case, which comes with a built in handle and detachable rolling castors to boot. The thing is 60 inches total (20x20x20) so it fits under the baggage size limit and with my s800 inside it is 33 pounds -- way under the weight limit!

The ONLY disassembly I had to do (other than taking the arms and central hub off) was to slide the long landing struts out of the central tubes (see image). That's it. The whole thing fits inside and I didn't even have to take off my GPS, which I have on the tall mast.

I'm going to want to cut/pluck foam so that everything fits better inside, but right out of the box the main gear sits snug and tight by seating the struts in the bottom layer of foam. There's room for your transmitter if you get creative with your foam cutting and the Zenmuse seats very nicely against the bottom layer of foam as-is.

I always carry my LiPos in carry-on luggage (I've heard the TSA requires that, but that is only hearsay and I have, in fact, shipped LiPos in checked baggage a number of times with no incident). With the wheels and handle, this case is about as efficient as you're going to find and I found it for $229 on Amazon with the foam. There is a mesh insert with compartments that replaces the foam in the lid, but I'm not sure at this point that it would be useful or practical given that the gear as it sits is held tightly by the foam layer in the lid.

Anyway, for those of you like me who are cheap bastards wanting to fly with your s800 and not have to pay extra shipping, this may be the way to go.

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so basicly we are back to page one , where i showed our custom made flight case for the s800.
where the props stay in the foam it came with
no dissasemble of any parts.
but then we are crazy with pricing?:livid:


Active Member
View attachment 10256

I found a great solution .. Use a racing bicycle wheel carrier.. Just carted my T quad 6000 k's and flew it in the desert last week.. $100 off Ebay!

The idea is not bad...but you might get a problem fitting a S800 + Zenmuse in that box.

....since I am a man with style, I will order one of these:

....will be a perfect match to my Gucci MR field slippers....

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I think your custom flight case looks awesome, Digitech. However, I can't tell from your information whether it would be oversize/overweight airline baggage limits. That may not be an issue for some people, but it is a huge factor for me.

so basicly we are back to page one , where i showed our custom made flight case for the s800.
where the props stay in the foam it came with
no dissasemble of any parts.
but then we are crazy with pricing?:livid:


Active Member
Damn it...inches, feet, gallons, pounds, dozends, Fahrenheit.....we live in the 21st century....there is only the metric system

The (great) case from Digitech:

18 kg = 39,6 lbs (pound)

~ 58 cm x 58 cm x 42 cm = 22.83 inches x 22.83 inches x 16,54 inches

....+ the weight of the S800/Zen



For those using flight cases, do you leave your camera in the zenmuse when packing into the case, or do you remove it?


We will be using the same case.

I was thinking of leaving our NEX7 on the Zenmuse when packed... when the Zenmuse has no camera on it it spins all over the place. With the camersa attached it would be nice and steady

Saying that you would probably want to ensure the Zenmuse is supported from all sides anyway - just makes cutting the foam a little trickier!.

I'll put some pics up of ours when I get it finished.

@Jack - do you have any close up pics of the foam layout you could share?





think i did the same as you - scoring one from ebay at a good price…

I've been looking into having a custom, high density foam cut, based on whatever solution i decide on with the pick and pluck foam.

My only experience with pick and pluck is with a cheapo maplin case and the foam pretty much fell apart, it might be that peli pic and pluck is a much higher quality - holding stuff correctly and less prone to looking shabby after a few uses.


Yep :)

Have you had any quotes yet? Id def be interested is sharing the cost if you were? Id love to get that 'custom fit' but I had though it would cost a small fotune because of the tooling charges etc.

I agree on the replacement foams, they tend to be pretty rubbish.

Let me know.



I have a friend who owns a packaging company, so have just pinged him a email to get idea of cost, though I would have though it would be silly money for such a small quantity.....

Will let you know what he says



The company i looked at implied a figure around £100 for a one off (£40 router set-up + materials + router time). Price will drop for volume.

As a comparison, I just bought a new set of 1660 foams for £37inc

Guess a group buy would all depend on us agreeing on what additional holes are required.
