A while back I purchased a used, built F450 from another user here. It came with a Futaba 8J, two Turnigy 2.2 lipos, Naza GPS. I have also purchased a Cellpro Multi 4 at Bartman's suggestion.
Although I'm sure I'll have to learn to build after my first crash, I want to start after that point. What documentation and/or tutorials should I start looking at first?
I have a new MBP running windows 7 via Bootcamp.
Please let me know how much you'll charge to tell me where in the documentation I should start at this point.
Thank you!
Although I'm sure I'll have to learn to build after my first crash, I want to start after that point. What documentation and/or tutorials should I start looking at first?
I have a new MBP running windows 7 via Bootcamp.
Please let me know how much you'll charge to tell me where in the documentation I should start at this point.
Thank you!