Tau Labs Open Pilot forum is now Tau Labs forum.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!

i forgot about your credentials. an internet guru of some sort that raises a stink then threatens sitewide chaos when an admin tries to dispose of you.

fwiw, i've banned maybe five people (other than spammers) in the almost three years i've been running the site. it seems you like to run loose and fast with facts to suit your wild positions.

the thread i referenced wasn't picked because it was yours, it was something i grabbed in haste to make the point to jes1111 that op.org isn't the utopia he'd like us to believe.

if you want to learn about tau labs, have at it.

ahh yes... "statewide chaos" in the form of "email addresses and IP addresses for days". ;)

I never said you picked the thread because it was me. You've been on here pushing your weight around for a few days, making a point to jes1111 was the first time it caught my attention. I was really just giving you guys some of the same attitude that you have been dishing out.

It was nice to meet ya Bart, maybe everyone can just settle down now and stop being snarky? I've honestly got no reason to be around otherwise. Bring the snark out and I'll come running.

Take it easy fellas.


So anyhow..... back to the stuff that is more interesting. Do the Tau Labs guys have any other fc boards they are working on?


Active Member
Now I know why I stay away from Open Source stuff: Lots of blown-up ego....and no useful information.

Sorry for saying that...


So anyhow..... back to the stuff that is more interesting. Do the Tau Labs guys have any other fc boards they are working on?

Those are the main 3 I listed above (Quanton, FlyingF3, Sparky) and of course it will run on CC3D. Also you can put a shield on a DiscoveryF4 for a more power, and VRBrain has a branch https://github.com/TauLabs/TauLabs/pull/557 . I also have a board Freedom which is useful for testing new code and logging all the sensor updates (and hopefully eventually things like optic flow) but it's far from something end users would want right now.


I am Reddog from Tau Labs, I saw your question and thought I should answer. I do apologize for not coming back to the thread and finishing it off. Google Groups is a crap interface and things get lost.

The mistake was mine, I always test Tau Labs stuff like a normal user would. While this does result in expensive crashes, it also shows any problems. I assumed that I could manually rotate the board in the GCS. The board rotation part of the GCS is not meant for manually setting up a board. I use it for when I need to setup a board again (entering the values from a previous setup) but there are good arguments for it not being in the UI at all. Tau Labs software does not have the ability to manually define Yaw rotation of the board for mathematical reasons. There is Automated Yaw Rotation calculation at the bottom of the same GCS screen which does all the calculations at the click of a button.

I agree that Tau Labs is not intuitively easy to setup but we are working very hard on that (this is my passion). I am not a coder, I am a normal user who likes to test things. I am currently working on getting fixed wing autonomous flight tested and documented (from a normal users perspective) with Kenn (from Tau Labs). Kenn is extremely helpful in both explaining the logic, understanding normal user requirements and making modifications to make things more intuitive. I have got the important FPV stuff working using the UAVTalk to Mavlink Bridge, with all the important messages and its documented. I use the MinimOSD as its cheap and capable. When I am finished testing (currently waiting on some right angle headers for my Quanton) I will come back here and post links to the documentation.

If anyone is giving away any more Quanton boards, I will gladly take them off your hands.

Forgive me... I thought that was the point of the seemingly spiteful rename of the forum to "Tau Labs". I thought we were mincing words, and very subtly indirectly poking fun at each other (the Tau fansbois + the OP fanbois).

I think I've seen this all on NatGeo before.

That was where my confusion came from. My experience with Tau did not at all result in a nicely flying helicopter. I actually gave away two Quanton boards to the first people that would take them from me. The lack of polish on the project in general is a bit unfortunate. I had a hard time following along in the forums in general.

Hopefully this forum name change will help the end users out and give them a home.

So can someone tell me what caused RedDog to crash? Was it a code error, or was it poor documentation, or was it user error? I've been unable to follow along and need someone to just tell me. I am a bit apprehensive about flying this Tau code.

"Still not sure why -90 would make the board think it was upside down though..."
"There's not much point for a convention if we're not going to use it systematically."

Did you guys ever figure this out? The thread abruptly died.

edit: see post #14 in this thread

We discussed taking the rotation option out of the UI but the majority of the devs wanted to keep it. The reason is for people that fly multirotors (which is most of the users) the angle of the board relative to the frame is precisely known, and typing it in directly is more accurate than using the estimate yaw angle button. Especially since with a lot of frames and wonky landing gears etc directly pitching down without any roll is harder than it sounds ;-)

Of course that does nothing to prevent people typing in the wrong calibration values :( I've definitely tried flying when I loaded the wrong configuration file and was off by 45 degrees and it was ... interesting. Some kind of sanity check wizard when you hold it in known positions and it checks things would be cool.


New Member
Recent activity in the Open Pilot Forum has led me to change the name of the forum to Tau Labs Forum.

You are welcome to also discuss Open Pilot hardware/firmware/issues here as they continue to maintain enough similarities to justify it.


Thank you! I am your latest member and I have just started with quadcopters. I am slowly building a F450 and I have just received a CC3D which appears to be already set up for a QAV250. I downloaded the appropriate firmware (15.02.02) from the OpenPilot site and installed it on my computer. When I connected the CC3D using a USB port, the program opened a warning tab (please see attached photo). Having enquired with the seller, I received this answer:
it is the latest firmware now. you can do the setting in the Mission Planner.

I honestly do not know what he means and what to do. Would you be kind enough to help me? Thank you in advance.

Cheers from Bruno


  • CC3D error.jpg
    CC3D error.jpg
    70.6 KB · Views: 318



I am having a terrible time trying to get support/help with a CC3D using OpenPilot, for a very unique situation...

My son has designed a cube for a school project with a turbine engine in the center. (so 1 motor) that has 4 fins under the turbine to provide direction/movement. Unfortunately, this does not fit anything that OpenPilot has, but I am about to attempt to use a regular helicopter vehicle because if I map the throttle/motor to the turbine, and the splashplate's 4 servos to the 4 servos for the fins, then it might work; the problem is there is no tail rotor and I am not sure after I go through the splashplate balancing whether this thing will fly right or not.

Anyway, with OpenPilot's Wiki and Forums closed down, I am wondering if this forum is a place to get some ideas/help or if there are other places that may be better for me to check into.




Hi Tink,

I saw your post and while I do not have the time to be involved with TauLabs or OpenPilot (or whatever it has become) at the moment I figured I would point you in the correct direction.

You could have a crack at solving this issue a couple of ways:

1. Go to https://forum.librepilot.org/ (which I think is a fork of openpilot) ask how to achieve what you want.
2. Go to http://forum.taulabs.org/ and ask how to achieve what you want.
3. You could search for Openpilot mixer - mixing is how you setup a custom vehicle, which is what you are trying to do. Using the mixer is a little bit foreign to start with but you are on the right track, choose a vehicle that has similar requirements to what you need and then look at the mixer tab - this will contain the raw mixing settings for the vehicle you have selected.


1. Go to https://forum.librepilot.org/ (which I think is a fork of openpilot) ask how to achieve what you want.
2. Go to http://forum.taulabs.org/ and ask how to achieve what you want.
3. You could search for Openpilot mixer - mixing is how you setup a custom vehicle, which is what you are trying to do. Using the mixer is a little bit foreign to start with but you are on the right track, choose a vehicle that has similar requirements to what you need and then look at the mixer tab - this will contain the raw mixing settings for the vehicle you have selected.

Reddog, that was very helpful - thank you very much. I think mixer was the Google keyword I was missing, and out of two forums I am sure I can find somebody who can help. Thanks again.


I can imagine the old saying of balancing a broom on your finger coming into play on this project. I tried something similar back around '95-96 but dropped the project. Never could get the 2 engines to produce equal thrust at full throttle. It would have used the same control design you plan if I'd had better power units. Who knows if it'd ever been stable w/o a modern FC though.


I can imagine the old saying of balancing a broom on your finger coming into play on this project. I tried something similar back around '95-96 but dropped the project. Never could get the 2 engines to produce equal thrust at full throttle. It would have used the same control design you plan if I'd had better power units. Who knows if it'd ever been stable w/o a modern FC though.
Yes, this is a little different in that there is a single jet-engine (like) so no power balancing issues, but keeping it stable will nonetheless be a challenge with the fins alone.


I've seen a design recently that used a central ducted fan for lift and 4 'outboard' motors for attitude control. However, that probably defeats the purpose of your project.


I've seen a design recently that used a central ducted fan for lift and 4 'outboard' motors for attitude control. However, that probably defeats the purpose of your project.
Not really - that is pretty much exactly what my son is doing, except fins to move the air out of the fan instead of the motors. Did that design use OpenPilot or TauLabs with a CC3D?
