Mikrokopter Octo Shape


I notice the shape of the MK8 is different than the shape of the CS8 the MK8 fits in a square and the CS8 fits in a circle = MK uses 4 shorter length booms than the other 4 booms, CS all booms are the same length
is this right?
any one care to comment on the + or - of this configurations ?
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    OCTO SHAPE .001.jpg
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Photo Elevate

Gravity always wins!!!
I would also be interested in any advice on this, as I am about to convert my quad to octo.

Certainly the square shape would take up less space for transporting the craft, but whether they fly the same I don't know.


I had Both. Flight performance is the same, if you not compare material cs8 is more stiff (carbon frame), MK8 Xl octo is soft (thin alu frame- diamond shape). Both have WKM and flies well. As Photo elevate said the difference in my opinion is transporting. When I go hiking use MK one :). You can go triangle, square, diamond if you want, look at Vulcan Frame and many others... It is all depends what kind of cam will you use (weight)...


Guys thanks for your answers my question was more of a curiosity than a decision to get one or the other, the logic for me would be that all the arms be the same length, but at some point in the past MK decided 4 long 4 short there had to be a reason im guessing
thats all


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
It looks as if you would get slightly less prop clearance if you used a square v round as per the photo. Of course you could just increase the length of all the booms on the square but without getting the old protractors etc out, Im not sure how exact this is- just a thought.


prop clearance on the circle type octo is slightly less than .39x the radius of the circle - pi divided by 8.

the square type is .half the "radius" of the square, or a quarter the length. so it's a smaller square... and there's about 10% less total arm length.

but assuming the props don't fold or remove, it actually takes a very slightly larger space to store the square octo!



New Member
Hi Guys, (first post), I've often wondered this, especially as all (say) cw props are on long booms and all ccw booms are shorter. Given that total torque has to balance for no yaw, would the shorter boomed motors have to produce more torque? I stand to be corrected... oh, and the motors are angled with those 3 deg spacers which would surely have an effect.
