Nonsense getting better every day: Amazon to ship stuff with drones.....


pendejo grande
I'd have that thing stripped down to bare parts before bezos could say kindle. Lemme guess, any footage captured from on board camera's will be sold directly to the NSA for a small fee, nice business model Jeff!


I'm wondering if they really think that will be a cost effective method of delivery? Or if it's just another marketing gimmick to get people looking at amazon for their holiday purchases?
I'm thinking the latter.
Just for it to be plausible, the MRs would have to be equipped with a high-end, intelligent, autonomous navigation system AND a 360° spherical obstacle avoidance system. And I love how Bezos said they will have a 10 mile range with a 5lb. package. Uh, huh.
The customer would have to live right next to the distribution center. And how do you track the package to ensure delivery to the customer?
Sounds to me like another "This would be really cool" idea that hasn't truly been thought out.


pendejo grande
Think about how stupid this is, porch theft is bad enough, now the thief just has to sit outside the distro center and follow the booty. I'll go out on a limb and predict the entire fleet of octos will be stolen on day 1. I''ll go even farther out on the limb and say a rash of new AP business' flood the market on day 2.

so just order a nice brushless gimbal to be Prime Aired to you and you're good to go...


pendejo grande


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Hahahahaha. Now that's funny right there. ^^^

Or there will be a large sale on Octo's on ebay.
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Active Member


Think about how stupid this is, porch theft is bad enough, now the thief just has to sit outside the distro center and follow the booty. I'll go out on a limb and predict the entire fleet of octos will be stolen on day 1. I''ll go even farther out on the limb and say a rash of new AP business' flood the market on day 2.

The brand new profession: "Drone Harvester" comes to my mind......don't forget to order the book: "Stealing Drones For Dummies"....obviously delivered through Amazons PrimeAir.



Drone Enthusiast
Theft and current technology aside (totally valid critiques), you'd be amazed what 25 billion can do. Yes billion, with a B. That was the hidden gem in that 60 minutes segment that makes all this turn from a pipe dream into a possibility...

Guys worth that kind of bread can make amazing things happen. Sadly, I do not know this from firsthand experience :)

I'm pretty excited to see what Amazon comes up with. If anyone is going to move the technology and efficiency forward, it is someone with a 25B R&D fund.

Electro 2

Makes one wonder how anybody stupid enough to not see that there a hundred reasons why this wouldn't work, became president of the most successful on-line retail operation in the country ?

As the president of one of the largest and most successful companies in the world, he understands that there are a hundred answers to those reasons.


Drone Enthusiast
As the president of one of the largest and most successful companies in the world, he understands that there are a hundred answers to those reasons.

Agreed. Another perfect example is Richard Branson deciding one day that perhaps passenger flights to space would be a cool idea. Money may not be able to buy you happiness, but it can certainly buy you a s%#t-ton of gadgets. Technology is spurred on by innovation, and innovation costs money. Bezos definitely has the cash to make a decent attempt at making it work if it's possible. And with his net wealth, if it fails miserably I'm sure he will brush it off, and already be on to the next thing....


Using MRs for parcel delivery might seem ridiculous right now.... but who knows where this technology will be in a few years...... One thing for sure is that a potential business incentive like that helps to drive further development in the same direction and it is an energy efficient solution as well. BTW - Our city was literally shutdown due to a major snow blizzard including courier delivery. I see some potential here if handled safely.


Even if theft and all the problems mentioned weren't an issue, how long before one crashes and hurts or kills someone?

The lawsuit settlement would be staggering....


Drone Enthusiast
Wow. Amazon AND Google money being thrown at this type of tech might spell a robot being dropped off at your house by quadcopter to compile your private data :)
