New to this forum, but not new to the hobby.


Hi Ladies and Gents. I am Jon, I am into building and playing with Rc multirotors. I dont care if they are APM or NAZA,,, however I am bias toward Naza only because I know it and its childs play ... APM confuses the heck out of me.

I joined up because I am a member of another forum DIY Drones, They focus on APM.. and suggest I look for a Naza site for help with my 2014 SteadiDrone Qu4d.

I am looking for help and support but I wanted to do the normal introduction first. Also have a snoop around and see whats for sale and hopefully get a warm reception.

Thank you for reading.... Fly safe! and keep up to date with your insurance please....... :tennis:


and suggest I look for a Naza site for help with my 2014 SteadiDrone Qu4d.
Nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to hearing about your SteadiDrone. I spent some time on their web site last night and their gear looks fantastic.


Thank you Dazzab, I am not liking them at all.. I had 4 of them all 2014 models... which is why I joined this forum...... I completly crashed one... another dropped out of the sky for no reason........ I keep that for parts.. and the other two.. one is a APM board.. (I hate it) and the other which I am trying to get help for is a Naza V2.... So to sum up your statement... you probably dont want to hear what I think of steadidrone! However there are plenty more larger quads... hex or octo's available... I just can not get these things to work properly for any length of time... its annoying. But thank you again for the warm welcome!
