New Lens For a New NEX

Help me out here guys....

Just purchased the NEX-5N kit with the 18-55 lens (the kit with both that and the 16mm lens seems to be unobtainable at the moment least at a reasonable price anyway)

I was planning on getting the Sony E-mount 30mm lens to fly with....but I see that everyone seems to be using the 16mm. In normal usage, the 30mm focal length would be closer to normal.

Other than obviously being physically shorter...and only marginally lighter...whats the advantage to using the 16?



Thanks for the links. Will definitely check them out.

However, in general this is clearly a choice of personal preference. I am wondering everyone's personal choice all seems to be the wide angle 16 over the normal aspect 30.

Not specifically asking about these two particular lenses...but rather about viewpoints on medium wide angle vs normal length as a standard for flying with.

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Well usually the wider the angle the more stable footage you get. Sony's Nex lenses and especially these two are crap.

Most people get the 16mm because it came with the kit or they wanna use it on a Zenmuse or with the ultra wide attachments for creative effects.

A better choice for aerial video is the wide Sigma or the expensive Sony 24mm.

Personally if I could mount the BMC with a Canon 70-200 IS F4 on a Zenmuse I would be in heaven.


Active Member
It's a photographic choice, isn't it? If it had to be only one, I'd go with the 30mm myself, but the 16mm will also be useful for some subjects (or treatments thereof). One of the obvious things about aerial photography with an MR is that you have a "zoom lever" in your left hand - go higher for a wider perspective! But since that won't always be possible (inside a church, for example) then a wide-angle lens would be needed. Similarly, if your desire is to fly a straight line towards a splendid vista then a wide-angle might be the choice. I'd fly a 12-300 zoom if I could ;)


I have the 19 mm Sigma in E-mount and I like it a lot for the price.

love that kind of statements)
some people love their $100 point'n'shoot's a lot.
some people does not like cooke s4/i 65mm Red prime for some "middle tone skin softness" blabla..
not sure if first type of users have an idea of what second type means by that)


Drone Enthusiast
Image and clarity aside, one of the big factors with focal length is how good your gimbal is. Wide angle will always hide more jiggle than a longer lens. The other factor is the illusion of speed. wide does not show speed unless you are scraping the ground. A 30mm lens would probably give you the more realistic feeling of flight but it would not get as much in frame. I'd just use the kit lens personally as it is fine and dandy for most shoots.
