New Kid (age 68) from SC

Greetings everyone. I am just getting into this multirotor stuff. As a matter of fact I am relatively inexperienced in RC in general. I have built 2 planes so far but not done a lot of flying. I have been teaching myself with a little help from my son who lives about 5 hours away. He is the one that got me into this stuff. I also have a couple of micro helicopters I fly in the yard when the wind lets me. Am just now putting the finishing touches on scratch build of an old set of plans I got off of Outerzone. It is a high wing sort of trainer that was originally designed for a .20 sized nitro engine but I converted it to electric. But in the meanwhile this multirotor stuff has really caught my interest. I have an awful lot to learn so I plan to lurk on these pages a good bit to see what I can find out.

