new gopro studio software


Aerial DP
mine locks up left and right importing at the first screen, gets to 23% processing and stays there....


Aerial DP
the decoder fixed my crashing problems. the output sure isn't like premier...... where about is that tool for the fisheye?


I am very pleased with the new GoPro Studio (formerly Cineform Studio). In fact, I was researching GoPro lens correction for my version of Premiere the moment I received the email from GoPro announcing the new software version. I believe the fisheye correction is in the "Advanced" menu. This update is very welcome and it's a great tool for the GoPro users here, who might not want to get into the expense and complication of a full editing suite.


Aerial DP


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The fisheye worked for me first time....... Keep in mind that there are now so many features that one can get easily confused and/or lost and the document is 100 pages long. The ouput option specific to Youtube is also a nice feature if you only need to upload results to Youtube. My only problem was one GoPro video downloaded to my PC could not be opened by any video editing program beginning with GoPro Studio..... I might have to return to site to reshoot...... and the aerial flight was perfect after 2 less than perfect previous attempt. If anyone gets the unfamiliar "corrupted recording" icon on their GoPro immediately before a flight..... don't trust the fix button to do the fix right..... shutdown your camera and start again.
