I understand that there is a new gimbal controller in the works and should be released late summer. Everything I've read indicates that is will be a 'game changer'... can anyone validate? The controller is Phobotic Centerpiece.
I have been following it and it has potential. However, not sure I'd call it a game changer. Just another step up the ladder IF if works.
He announced it early Dec 2013. Showed first production run 1st week June. He (they? ) have been working on software to get it to A. autotune, B. Hold horizon, C. stabilize at least as good as the more expensive gimbals like a Zenmuse.
I want it to succeed and hoping it gives us DIY's the next step up or so. I have 3-4 gimbals, 8 bit alexmos, and 1 32 bit. I have some success with them, but by no means is as reliable and consistent as I'd like. I'm debating whether to jump in the first batch or wait till the 2 nd batch and some reviews are out on the internet. I'm in the northern part of the U.S. and we have 75-90 days before we start seeing that white stuff which is the end of the flying / experimenting season.
If initial reports are stable, autotune works, & holds horizon, I'll be forking over the $400 for the smaller unit pretty quickly.