New Frame, CINESTAR 6 VS DW AD6.


Hi Guys, I'm planning to buy a new Frame, but I don't know which one. I'm looking for a 6 motors Multirotor and planning to carry my Canon t2i.
I have a align Trex 800 so this will be my second AP machine.
My 2 options are:
Cinestar 6 vs DW AD6.

I'm looking for the best performance and versatile Multirotor.

Best Regards

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I have the AD8, and am very happy with it. It's a solid kit.

I've never flown or seen a Cinestar......however, the Cinestar models look far FAR cooler!


Active Member
Quality wise they are very can make yourself crazy by trying to find all the pro's and con's....or you get that one which your instinct tells you to take. I guess you might find more Cinestar guys here on the forum (in case you need support). More important than the frame is your choice of the Flight Control....In that case have a look at the Hoverfly PRO ...Cinestar is also making very good gimbals and come out now with a new gimbal stabilization....



Thanks for your reply.
Is the Cinestar 6 bigger than the AD6? Will the Cinestar 6 perform better in wind?
I already bought the dji wkm flight control and avrotor motors.


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Performance in wind is completely reliant on the flight controller/IMU. The dji is not good with large frames and wind. The Only way to get good performance in wind with the wookong is to under-prop it to achieve a higher disc loading.
My 6kg ad8 flys excellent in high wind with the wookong but I have to run 10x5 props to achieve that. It should be running around 12x4, but would be useless in anything but windless conditions.


Merlin of Multirotors
Thanks for your reply.
Is the Cinestar 6 bigger than the AD6? Will the Cinestar 6 perform better in wind?
I already bought the dji wkm flight control and avrotor motors.


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I have both frames and have flown them both with Mikrokopter flight controller and WKM. For APV work there's no contest the Cinestar wins with it's camera mount isolation system, you won't see any jello in the video regardless of the camera and gimbal you use. I have a Photohigher AV130 on both and I can get better video using the CS than I can with the Droidworx, both using the same size motors. The difference is it's a little easier to get good flight stability on the Droidworx than the Cinestar using the WKM, but not by much, previous posts have been spot on regarding the how the WKM handles large frames in the wind. It is possible to tune the WKM to fly quite well on the Cinestar but the setup needed to do that will limit the carrying capacity of the frame, don't expect to be able to fly a RED using the WKM on the CS. You can't do it with the AD6 either more because it isn't big enough.

The CS is substantially larger than the AD6 but easier to break it down and pack it for transport if that is what you will be doing with it. The AD6 is more suited to being put into a large case fully assembled, or partially assembled with the landing gear/camera mount removed.

If the quality of the video recording is the driving factor in your purchase you will be better off with the Cinestar although you may need to rethink your choice of flight controller to get the best performance from either frame in all conditions.



Drone Enthusiast
I have seen some biguns that Geoff at has built and he always uses WKM now. He has um tuned to perfection both CS and DW in all configurations. Its just knowing what works with what. I fly a Y6 DW WKM and have no issues carrying the Canon 550D. It will also carry a gopro for almost 18mins and is as stable as with the Canon. BUT the settings are way different. I have a bank of about 6 different FC set ups I upload depending on what I am doing with the machine. I aint tried as many FC's as RTryder but I have seen loads of MR's from the F40 to CS8/DW8flying perfectly on WKM.

So if it aint WKM what should it be I wonder? If you want simplicity out of the box then the WKM IMO is great. If you want to spend 90% of your time on forums and in the work shop go with MK. What is in the middle I dont know, and I dont want to as WKM ticks all the boxes for me on the three machines I fly. The HFP seems to be making a come back so that may be the FC for the bigger machines.

All I know is now I get out flying and flying and flying with the WKM.



Thanks for all your help, I think I will go with the Cinestar 6 because I do video very much with the Canon 5D.
Will the Avrotor motors work good on the Cinestar? 4, 5 or 6 cells setup?

Thanks again for all your support!!!


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